
14 Dec 2009

Vancouver Event 2009

Thanks so much to all my guests for coming to the Vancouver Event 2009! It was so great meeting you all and I hope everyone had as wonderful a time as I did.

Some more pictures from the event! The location was at Earls Restaurant in Yaletown. Unfortunately some people had already left before we had a chance to take the group picture. The raffle was a huge success! I wish I could have gotten everyone a present but I hope the winners enjoyed their gifts.

Special thanks to Blo Dry Bar, Skoah Spa, and Beautymark for their contribution to my raffle!


  1. Everyone looks absolutely STUNNING -- and Julia - YOUR HAIR!!! I MUST HAVE IT :) I've never seen the back before -- didn't know it was THAT long -- Love it!!

    Now, please come to NY so I can meet you. PRETTY PLEASE?!

  2. Anonymous6:45 am

    I'm glad y'all had a good time. If I wasn't almost 3,000 miles away, I would have loved to join you!! =) Everyone looks so pretty and like they had a nice time.

  3. Anonymous7:06 am

    Don't you all look gorgeous! Julia, you are stunning as always. I agree with Anastasia - your hair - *I swoon*! Glad you had such a nice time and such a successful day. Hope you all thanked your host ;) Well done xx

  4. Anonymous7:07 am

    wow thats great I wish you could come to Australia I know its kinda far but I would love it !!

  5. Angela7:42 am

    My sister was there! She has the long orange hair. Wish I could of come with her. :)

  6. Anonymous7:44 am

    I so enjoyed the video!! It looked like so much fun!
    Thank you for sharing it!
    A fan in Saskatoon!

  7. Wish I could be there ;)

  8. I loved it, loved it, loved ti!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Ey, it looks so fantastic... And the deserts looks gorgeous!

    What a wonderfull time! :)

  10. Beatriced10:45 am

    Wow! Everyone look so chic, so nice. It looks like you had a lot of fun.

  11. Looks like you guys had a great time, cool pictures an video!

  12. Anonymous12:28 pm

    How fun!

  13. Steffo1:06 pm

    Great pictures. Seems you had a gread day all together. Maybe you will do such an event in switzerland, too? It would be great :) Lovely greetings, Steffi

  14. YOUR SO TALL! lol Looks like a great time =)

  15. Anonymous1:08 pm

    Love your long hair!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Carolina2:47 pm

    Thanks for posting the video! I would really have enjoyed being there and meet you and everyone else, seems like you had a really great time. I really enjoyed watching the video, made me smile ;) Oh well, I live in sweden so it felt like it was a little too far to travel for a night out, well, keep it up Julia!

  17. i wish i lived close! Everyone, seriously, EVERYONE looks amazing! beautiful ppl!

    Julia - love ur hair, u are just so beautiful.

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  18. In the picture where you are with 2 girls, you resemble Sara Ramirez so much! that's a compliment, BTW! :)

  19. Everyone looks like they had such a great time! And you looked so gorgeous! I really wish I could've come, but I'm doomed to work weekends from now until after the holidays!

  20. Wow looks like it was a great time! Everyone looked so beautiful, and those were great prizes :D
    Btw Julia, I had no idea you were so tall!

  21. Anonymous8:23 pm

    Oh my god :)! Es sieht nach soviel Spaß aus! Wäre so gerne dabeigewesen :) Schreit geradezu nach einer Wiederholung...Dafür würde ich auch von Deutschland in die Schweiz kommen ;)!

    Allen eine frohe Weihnachten 2009 & viele Grüße aus Deutschland, Judith.

  22. Anonymous9:08 pm

    Everyone looks great! Julia you look stunning! I wish i could have been there! maybe you could come to Connecticut sometime? even though you probaly don't want to cuz it's pretty boring here! Anyway I hope I get to meet you some day!!!

  23. Anonymous9:56 pm

    Sending lots of fan love from California !

  24. What an awesome thing to do for everyone. Your hair is stunning!!! You are stunning and so sweet!

  25. WendyOMGWar11:53 pm

    Omg! You are soo beautiful <3

  26. I must watching your videos too close because I can totally tell you're tall. Like when you did the video in the grocery store down the street from your house... I could tell then you were tall. And also in one of your videos you mention that you are tall. I think it was one that you were talking about clothing, maybe the one where you did the makeup for the interviewer.... maybe... I will have to go back and look. LOL I guess you can call me the stalker. LOL just kidding just kidding. I can't stalk you all the way from Texas =o( LOL glad you all had a wonderful time. Hope you will have more events like this, Julia. Congrats on your first event! ♥

  27. Anonymous2:02 am

    I wish I could be there I love your make up and stuff but oh well Im only 15

  28. Wow, it seems as if you all went to a beautiful restaurant and had a great time! I'm jealous- I've got to go dinning this Christmas!

  29. Wow! What fun and such a pretty resturaunt! Wow, I must say, I am UBER jelous! Haha. Everyone looked amazing, and I'm glad you had such a good turn out, Julia!

  30. woow! you look perfect!!
    and all the girls!!

  31. Anonymous10:39 am

    Hi, thanks for your looks, they are beautiful.

    I want to challenge you to do something that many "makeup gurus" might deem a bit hazardous or at least not appealing at all : Why not posting pics of your wonderful makeup creations after a few hours of wearing them?

    The point is... all girls who love makeup know we can look great for a few hours but at the end of a long day, the way our eyes look is far from what it originally was. And I'd love to know how this problem affects others, see how the products others use work after a few hours... get my point?

    I'd love you to take the challenge, which I'm also suggesting to other makeup artists on the net.


  32. Hi darling! I'm from Brazil, and i saw your videos on youtube and girl you rock!
    congratulations for your creativity! I would like to know if you started to make videos as a joke?

    kissesssssss \o/

  33. Anonymous9:22 pm

    aweeeee. i live in vancouver i really want to meet you. YOUR AMAZZINGG!!!!!

  34. Anonymous11:41 pm

    Hey... how about a meet and greet in Switzerland? :)

  35. Maaaa...du wohnst ja gar nicht in der Schweiz...toller Blog! wirklich super!
    Weißt du zufällig jemanden auf youtube, der einen makeup channel hat und aus österreich ist. Ich krieg nämlich die ganzen ben nye und nars usw. nicht in Österreich...und wollt wissen as es hier an guten Produkten gibt.

  36. the photography is absolutely perfect!

  37. Anonymous8:56 pm

    Awwwwww I wish I've been there!! Make up is one of my fav stuff!!I love it!
