
10 Dec 2009

Vancouver meetup: Dec 12

Please watch the above video if you plan to attend the Vancouver, Canada meet & greet event I am hosting! You will find all the important details of the event and how to get involved.

Date: Saturday, 12 December 2009
Time: 2pm - open ended
Location: A restaurant in Yaletown, downtown Vancouver, Canada (exact location will be given out by email)

Minors are welcome but please do not try to order alcoholic drinks! If you're 14 years or younger you must come with an older person or adult. There will be lots of great prizes (beauty products and beauty services) raffled off so bring some change to buy your raffle tickets. I am trying to organize some wonderful gifts for you all that will make it even more worth your while to come!

Following the meet-up at the restaurant where we will be having food & drinks (paid by yourself), we will be doing an optional shopping trip around downtown Vancouver and hit up Sephora, MAC, Sears makeup counters, whatever! It is a few blocks walking distance from the restaurant, so don't wear uncomfortable shoes you can't walk well in, and bring a warm coat, gloves, hat, etc - Vancouver has been freezing cold lately and the weather forecast for Saturday is not great.

How to RSVP and get yourself on the limited guestlist (max. 40 people)

Send an email to rsvp.julia [at] gmail dot com with your full name (first and last), your age, and a contact telephone number where you can be reached in case of emergency. (Will be kept confidential.) You can bring a friend, but make sure to also include their details. Please use this email to RSVP only! I'll be emailing you back with the details of the location. Once the 40 spaces are filled, I will be making a waiting list; you may be contacted last-minute if there has been a cancellation from someone. Please only RSVP if you definitely can come. As there is a guest list limit, I don't want to have no-shows and take away a spot from someone who really wanted to attend.

I look forward to seeing you there! If you can't attend the event, I will be filming the entire day and uploading it on my Youtube channel afterwards.


  1. Oh, I sent the e-mail but forgot to say my age. :( I'm 22 years old. And my name is Maria Luiza.

  2. now i wanted to fly to canada!

  3. Anonymous6:32 pm

    how old r u julia?

  4. Sounds like it's going to be a blast! Wish I could get time off work to go but sadly I know I won't. Hope everyone has fun!!

  5. Anonymous8:01 pm

    Will there be photos or videos from the meet and greet?

  6. Yes there will be pictures and video taken at the event

  7. Lucky you!!! I'm too far away :(

  8. Aw man, here's hoping you had a great time. I wanted to go, but exams are a pain. Looking forward to the next one whenever you're back in Vancouver, and looking forward to seeing the video!

  9. Anonymous10:34 pm

    we want pics! we want pics! we want pics !....
