
13 Aug 2010

MissChievous at Museum of Design, Zurich

I'm back from holidays in Canada and have some exciting news to share. Not only did I pass 200,000 subscribers during my absence - which is pretty awesome in its own right - but I will also be exhibiting some of my videos at the Museum of Design in Zurich for an upcoming installation called "Makeup - Designing Surfaces". I am enthralled at the opportunity, as it will be a great way to reach a completely different audience. It feels great to have my work recognized in the artistic world, and I hope it will be a huge success.

The exhibition will run from August 25, 2010 until January 2, 2011 at the Museum für Gestaltung in Zurich, during which time at least 5 of my videos will be displayed and running on a big screen. Here is a link to the museum if you would like more information.

This week has been very busy for me as I have had to re-film some of the videos for the exhibition on my new camera so that they can be in HD format, this has proven to be a huge amount of work but I hope it will be all worth it. The picture above is from my Fallen Angel tutorial, which I re-filmed today. I did a slightly different spin on the lips this time, and I like it better this way.

If you live in Switzerland or in the surrounding area (Germany, France, etc) and would like to attend the museum with myself, please leave a comment below. If there is enough interest, I may organize a meet & greet to meet with fans and subscribers in Zurich, possibly do a communal viewing of the exhibition and then have some time afterwards to have fun together. This will only happen if there is enough interest and nothing is formally planned yet!

You can also watch my latest video below for an update from myself, and thanking my viewers.


  1. I'd absolutely love to meet you Julia :)
    I live in Switzerland to, so it would be awesome :D

  2. oh i like it so much~

  3. amazing! makes me excited for Halloween!!! xo

  4. Ich würde mich sehr über ein Treffen in Zürich freuen! Liebe Grüsse

  5. I love your hair in the 200000-subscriber video. It's so beautiful!

  6. Congratulations!! What a huge honor and you totally deserve it!

  7. yay !!!!

    you diserve it :) i'm so happy for you !!!!

    xxx !

  8. many MANY congratulations!!! if i still lived in belgium/france, i'd totally come to the expo!!the top picture you have was actually an inspiration for my halloween make-up last year... just breathtaking!!!
    wishing you the best always!!

  9. oh! i'm so happy for you! what you do is really art. i wish i go to the exibition, sadly i live in brasil and that will be imposible.

    congratulations, anyway :]

  10. Congratulations, Julia! I love your videos and your relaxed and down to earth manner (not to mention your great make-up looks!). I am very happy for your success.

  11. I was in Zurich last year. What a beautiful city! Congrats on the exhibit!

  12. i love the look even more this time around :) Are you re-uploading the videos you re-film?

  13. Steffi5:06 pm

    I live near Zürich and I would like to come :) Love, Steffi

  14. Anonymous1:42 pm

    Bei einem Treffen in Züri wäre ich dabei :) LG

  15. I love the first picture, your talent really shines in that one!

  16. Anonymous9:35 pm

    I live in Lausanne and would love to meet you and see your work in Zurich.


  17. Congratulations! Well deserved in my opinion, you're such a great makeup artist. Good luck!

  18. Anonymous4:54 pm

    great!!! congrats dear!!! Hope everything goes smoothly n is a great success!!!

  19. I live in Tessin but i will come for sure!! It would be nice meet you :)))))))))))

  20. Anonymous2:19 am

    Congratulations! I am an avid YT follower of yours and I LOVE that "Fallen Angel" look!

  21. Anonymous10:20 am

    Hey miss chievous ! ! congrats ! I discovered your make up totorials a short while ago when I was surfing on youtube, and I must say, I really enjoy it and I even succeeded to reproduce one of your looks ! ! And thanks for the ebay-make-up-tip !! your videos are really well done ! keep it up !

  22. now, THAT is some amazing makeup!

    fabulous job.


  23. Anonymous8:09 pm

    i'm german and would be willing and loving it to take part in a meet and greet in zürich.
    Would be a great opportunity to visit some relatives there ;)

  24. Anonymous1:03 pm

    Ich würde Dich sehr gerne treffen.

  25. Anonymous1:09 pm

    Ich wäre auch bei einem Meet & Greet dabei :-)

    Lebe im kanton Luzern.

  26. Anonymous5:41 pm

    I would love to meet you. I just moved to Germany with my husband. we plan to attend sometime around Oct. - Nov. anyway, Congratulations and hope to see you. Brittaney

  27. notinsomniac4:11 am

    I love your tutorials.
    Btw, great hair.. what color is it? :D

  28. Anonymous11:51 pm

    Ich Liebe die Art wie du sprichst!
    Das super fliesende Englisch und dan der kurze wechsel ins Deutsche. Wunderbar
    Und deine Make ups sind der Wahnsinn.

  29. omg!!!You are the BEST!!!

  30. Anonymous7:19 pm

    I live in Switzerland and would love to come to a meetup!
