
18 Aug 2010

Models Own 50% off sale

Just a quick update to let you know that the cosmetic brand Models Own is going to be having a 50% off online sale when their Facebook page reaches 10,000 followers! Right now they're at about 8,700 so I'm going to try to help them get to 10,000 because I really want to get my hands on some of their nailpolishes which I've heard so much about. (I'm not affiliated with Models Own whatsoever.)

They do ship internationally, and with the sale the polish is going to cost £2.50 instead of £5 per bottle, so I'll definitely stock up! You can check out this page for lots more color swatches. Models Own also sells some makeup products on their website, but it's the polishes I'm most interested in.

So if you also want to take advantage of the upcoming sale, Like their page on Facebook. Click here to go there now. Once they hit 10,000 which should be soon, followers will get a discount code to use towards their purchase.

1 comment:

  1. Models Own polishes are okay but think twice about the glitters, they can make your nails look like 5 cm thick. :o)
