
19 Jan 2011

Bathroom De-Junking

Today I tackled my bathroom cabinet to sort out products I don't need anymore from the products I reach for a lot. Included in this was a huge assortment of skincare, makeup removers, body lotions, hair products, and other random things. In the past few years I've amassed so many products that I either purchased or were sent to me to try out, and for whatever reason, they just didn't end up working out and I had no further use for them, but didn't want to just throw them away so I kept them. Some are even great products, but everyone has different skin type so they didn't work out.

Well today I had enough of bottles falling out as soon as I opened my bathroom cabinet, so I went through everything and began to sort. Many things were nearly empty, which I ended up just tossing, and the products that were still usable but I had no use for I put in a box to give away to friends and family. Some of these things are even luxury and high-end items, but I just don't use them. Here's my box of nearly full items to give away, some things are a bit hidden below.

And here's my bathroom cabinets pared down to the products I actually use:

Much better oversight! I feel like I can now actually find and use what I need and want. I might do some more paring down in the next few weeks, I have another basket of products in my bathroom that I rarely look in, a lot of samples, face masks, lotions, sunscreens and other items, many of which probably just need to be tossed.


  1. Bei mir ist es genau das gleiche, mir kommen schon alle Produkte und Fläschchen entgegen gefallen.
    Aber ich kann mich einfach nicht trennen, weil ich ab und an noch das ein oder andere benütze...

    Ich brauche einfach einen größeren Badezimmerschrank ;-)


  2. Anonymous5:03 pm

    Well done, it's always nice to have a clear out!

  3. I'm going to be forced to do this when I move in a couple of weeks. My husband and I have been at the house we are in now for 9 years! So my cabinets are full to the brim. I am going to clean and throw out as I pack. Thanks for the cleaning inspiration! Have a good day!

  4. wow can i have that olay cream.. LOL ;)
    wow that's not a junk for me

  5. So what can i do to help take this stuff off your hands?

  6. Anonymous5:25 pm

    tresemme heat tamer spray- possibly the best hair product i have found in the drugstore!

  7. deffenetly love to collect your junk lol

  8. Wow that's a lot of stuff! :)

  9. Yeah I recently did that to my own stuff, but i did my room and my bathroom...filled a kitchen trash bag! lol, but what a relief!

  10. It's hard to believe that all the things in that box actually (barely) fit into that cabinet! haha

  11. Yes! Let us know how we can get this box o' goodies!!

  12. Wow that's a lot of stuff you have dear! I tend to collect a lot of stuff myself until it takes forever to get it under control. Hey I'll bet readers would buy some of it if you made a blog sale!

  13. I'll take the unwanted products off your hands

  14. I need to do this myself. It's great to purge yourself of unwanted products. I don't have many girl friends who would be interested in my things though so I might just have a Blog Sale. You ought to consider it too, next time, if you haven't already :) Have a great one! x NTA @

  15. You inspired me to clean out my own closet and I finally brought myself to toss that less than 1/4 full items!! I have so much more room in my closet now!! :0)

  16. Ahhhh, I feel "free" for you! There's nothing better, huh? The question is why do we wait so long in between purges! I've got soooooo much purging to do! Wait til you have kids...they amass tons of stuff overnight from clothing they grow out of daily to toys they lose parts and pieces to and on and on... My whole house needs a good purge now that I think of it! Arghhhhhhhhh! :)Kathy

  17. Before and after shot! Hehe =]

  18. Ja, der Frühjahrsputz kommt bei mir auch bald! :-)
    Ich habe letztens Inventar gemacht und gesehen dass ich ca. 15 Deos auf Reserve habe...
    Ich hab das gar nicht gemerkt dass ich ein Deo-Junkie bin... :o)
