
17 Jan 2011

Foundation Tutorial - My Routine

A lot of you have been requesting that I do an updated foundation  routine. Things have changed for me quite a bit since I did my last foundation video, from the products I use, to the tools and techniques. In this video tutorial I show you step by step how I get that even, flawless looking finish in my videos, even when my skin is not flawless and perfect. I don't suffer from acne or break outs much, but my main issue is discoloration, and since I'm on the very fair side, any redness shows up very strongly.

Products I use:

Nars Sheer Glow foundation - Mont Blanc
Lancome Maquicomplet concealer - Ivoire
Alverde powder
Ben Nye Neutral set powder
Barry M Natural Dazzle bronzer
La Femme Glow on Blush - Nectar Peach
P2 Color Star Lip Cream - Rita Hayworth

Link to the video on Youtube


  1. Thanks for sharing! Now I reeeaaally badly want that Sigma Flat Top Kabuki Brush, but I_know_ that when I want to order one, I order more... (to save up on shipping, tehe) and then it gets expensive. darn :D

  2. Do you put your foundation after the eye makeup??? I have troubles with the edge of my eye makeup when I do so... I get like a harsh line or, if I used dark colors under my eye it dissolves and extends with foundation and I ruin everything... How can it be avoided?

  3. YESSSSS!!! This is my favorite blog I've been waiting for an update lol. Love the video :D

  4. This isn't foundation related but what brand of nail polish are you wearing? That's a lovely red!

  5. Nevermind, I read your FAQ's, clicked on your youtube channel and found my answer! Love your makeup storage set up.

  6. Hi Julia ! My skin is light to medium, with pink undertones and a few rednesses. Which color of Nars foundation would you recommend ? I know you don't have time to answer that kind of question but I give a try :D

  7. any ideas why your video is not playing?
    on my Macbook it loads but never plays, on my PC it never loads and on my Ipad it says the system does not support it.
    I can see all of your other videos without any problems.
    I would appreciate it if you have any pointers.

  8. Patricia8:58 pm

    Hi, I loovvee oyur tutorials!!
    Thanx for sharing it with us...
    I have a question, i was trying to see if there was like a contact info, or something for me to fill in with my question. So what i would love is for you to give me an advice on what make-up to wear with a purple kind of pinkish dress. Im going to a very important event by the end of the month so I wanted to ask you with basically i just need you to point me to one of your previous tutorials, for what you think is the best for the ocassion.


  9. Anonymous6:46 pm

    Hi, ich komme aus Deutschland und frage mich wo ich das "Ben Nye neutral set powder" kaufen/bestellen kann. Ein Tipp wäre super.
