20 Feb 2011

Berlin Film Festival 2011

I recently was invited to attend the Berlinale (Berlin International Film Festival) by L'Oreal, one of the main sponsors, as part of an all-expensed-paid blogger event. I was so happy to be chosen by L'Oreal, and was so excited to be a part of the whole experience.

A group of German-speaking bloggers and Youtubers were chosen to attend the glamorous evening where we got to the see the world premier of the new film "Unknown" starring Liam Neeson and Diane Kruger, the latter of which is also a spokesmodel for L'Oreal and their face for the Berlinale 2011. She also attended the premier, we got to see her walk over the red carpet and she sat about 2 or 3 rows in front of us during the movie! I have to admit I was a bit star-struck.

We stayed in the posh luxury Hotel de Rome right in the center of Berlin (apparently Reese Witherspoon stayed here just recently), which was an incredible experience in itself. That evening we attended the movie premier after a stroll over the red carpet in front of hundreds of press cameras, then wined and dined at the Soho House private club and hotel. The atmosphere was really amazing, and the food was lovely too - I was starving at that point. I rounded off my evening by chilling with a few of the fellow bloggers and some of the L'Oreal people in the bar sipping martinis, and finally went to bed at about 3am.

The next morning we had a stellar breakfast at the Hotel's buffet (sliced mangos and papayas, fresh à la carte eggs, salmon, shrimp, fresh squeezed orange juice, yes please!) then were driven off to the Coco Bello, a studio that L'Oreal set up in the middle of the Potsdammer Platz, where passers-by can book free makeover sessions during the Berlinale week.

We were introduced to some new products by the L'Oreal artists, and their key makeup artist showed us his rendition of the "Berlinale Look" on me. It was so strange to have someone else do my makeup for me, with lots of other people watching. Afterwards, everyone had the opportunity to have their makeup done by the L'Oreal artists at their stations.

For lunch we went to a cute little bistro restaurant specializing in wine, but I just had a light salad and some dessert (Apple Studel!) After lunch the event officially ended at about 2:30 pm, so the blogger group split up and we each did our own thing. I had to head to the airport soon after, so I just did some quick shopping with a few of the girls and we stormed into the Galeries Lafayette and later the two-story Douglas (the German version of Sephora) and a few purchases were made. I'm excited to show you those as well, I hauled some pretty amazing nailpolishes. After our shopping trip, it was time to head to the airport for my flight home, finally arriving home very tired but happy.

All in all a wonderful experience that I won't forget too easily! Thank you L'Oreal Germany!! You can follow them on Facebook too.

Now some pictures from the event...these are mostly from the second day, on the first day I mostly used my camcorder, so be sure to watch my video to see my red carpet outfit, hair & makeup, the hotel we stayed at, plus many more impressions from the evening.

Our hotel from the outside "Hotel de Rome" with our BMW drivers...the cars were all labeled with L'Oreal, how cool! Might as well arrive in style...

Unser Hotel von aussen (Hotel de Rome), unsere BMW Limousinen und Chauffeure davor...man kommt an mit Styl!

 With fellow German and Swiss Youtubers: myself, Ebru, Kathrin, Tatjana

The bloggers and Youtubers at the Coco Bello L'Oreal makeover booth at the Potsdammer Platz. Here we had our make-overs by the L'Oreal makeup artist team and discussed the upcoming looks and new products.

Die Blogger und Youtuber Gruppe beim Coco Bello make-over Studio von L'Oreal am Potsdammer Platz. Dort wurden wir von den L'Oreal Makeup Artists geschminkt.

All Bloggers and Youtubers who attended (Left to right)

Let the make-overs commence!

Alle Bilder vom Umstyling...

Thank you for having a peek into my experience at the Berlinale! Part 2 will follow soon on Youtube...

Vielen Dank fürs zuschauen, hoffentlich konnte ich euch einen kleinen Einblick ins Event ermöglichen. Der zweite Teil folgt bald auf Youtube!

All pictures are copyright. Pleas do not re-host without my permission.
Alle Bilder stehen unter Urheberschutz. Bitte nicht ohne meine Erlaubnis verwenden.


  1. Wow, es war schon immer ein riesentraum von meiner oma im Hotel de Rom zu übernachten.. (wir kommen aus berlin), ihr könnt euch wirklich unheimlich glücklich schätzen!! =)
    auch wenn ich alles andre als ein fan von loreal bin, aber was community marketing angeht lassen sie sich ja hier mal wirklich nix lumpen.. ^^

  2. Your make-up looks really pretty!

  3. Anonymous8:43 am

    Tolle Bilder und Eindrücke. Danke, dass du uns virtuell mitgenommen hast ;)
    LG, Alencia

  4. Congratulations! Was a great experience.

  5. For kindness to exclude me of your blog.

  6. Anonymous6:19 pm

    You are soo talented! bless your heart! A beautiful inspired woman too! xoxo-pahoua
