
27 May 2011

My Summer Nailpolish Picks

Summer nailpolishes are so much fun! I love incorporating bright colors to my look by wearing them on my nails. Here's some of my top picks, as swatches on the nailwheel I'm holding.

Left to right:
Essie - Topless and Barefoot
Orly - Lemonade
China Glaze - Japanese Koi
Eyeko - Coral Polish
Models Own - Raspberry Crush
Illamasqua - Collide
Illamasqua - Jo-Mina
China Glaze - For Audrey
Barry M - Cyan Blue
Orly - Halley's Comet
H and M - Hunt Me Down

Watch the video directly on Youtube!

24 May 2011

Sunkissed! Wearable Summer Look

SUMMERTIME!!!! Wooo hooo! I just love summer, and I also love creating summery makeup looks for my viewers. This one is a really wearable and flattering bronzed makeup look, focused on that sunkissed glow. I used a lot of shimmery warm golden tones on the eyes, and a neutral but still noticeable lip color. Bronzer adds that sunkissed, warm glow to the face.

UDPP, MAC eyeshadows in Jest, Woodwinked, Mulch, Solar White, MAC Rich Ground Fluidline, Max Factor False Lash Effect mascara

Barry M Natural Dazzle bronzer, MAC Stereo Rose MSF

Revlon Colorburst lipstick in Blush, Revlon Colorburst Lipgloss in Sunset Peach

Citrus Nails from my previous tutorial here

Click here to watch the video on Youtube!

20 May 2011

Citrus Slices Nails for Summer

Aren't these nails so cute for summer? Orange, Lemon and Lime Slices! Perfect for sipping cocktails on a sunny patio somewhere. :)

Nailpolish Used:

Essie Shorty Pants (yellow)
China Glaze Japanese Koi (orange)
Barry M Spring Green (green)
Sally Hansen Whirlwind White (white)

Click here to watch the video tutorial on Youtube!

14 May 2011

My Fitness Diary (2)

Yesterday I had another one of those A-HA! moments so I thought I'd share. For the past few weeks I've been a bit stagnating on the weightloss front, even though I've kept it up with fitness and eating right. Granted, I have been adding in a bit more alcohol again, and a few more cheat meals here and there. But overall still staying on track with my veggies and lean proteins.

In the last couple weeks I have been working out a lot. P90X gave me a really big boost and renewed interest in keeping fit. I think I was just getting super bored of the same old work-outs all the time. So I was surprised that nothing was happening on the scale - 1kg lost, that's it.

I didn't let it bother me too much; yesterday I tried on a pair of short-shorts from my "skinny suitcase" that I couldn't get into several weeks ago without sucking in like crazy and without major muffin top action (haha), and low and behold they slid on with ease and felt comfortable. Wow! I was happily surprised and it gave me a huge reminder that I don't need to focus on the scale and the numbers. I guess my body is actually starting to build some muscle and melting away some fat in return - woohoo! Although I can't actually see much definition yet but it seems to be working. Slow and steady wins the race...

Last night I indulged in an utterly decadent and delicious authentic Italian home cooked meal. I invited friends over and made an appetizer platter of mixed crostinis (one was with roasted Mediterranean vegetables, proscuttio ham and arugula drizzled with balsamic glaze, another variety was a caprese of sliced tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella and basil drizzled with extra virgin olive oil), main course was Spaghetti Puttanesca with fresh grated Parmesan and a side of salad, and dessert was Tiramisu. Wow, I just loved cooking that and enjoyed it so much. I think I relished it even more since it was a special treat meal and shared with friends, and I used high quality and fresh ingredients. I think it's important to stay focused and on track, but not deprive oneself. As a total foodie, it's so important to me to still have those occasions when I can make people happy with my cooking.

Later I was watching TV in bed and I saw a British TV show called "Fast Food Baby" - it tracked the lives of several families who feed their young children nothing but junk food and take out meals - not a fruit or vegetable in sight. I was shocked! Babies drinking coca cola from their bottles, toddlers stuffing themselves with pizza and kebabs and fries. And not just once in a blue moon - every day! It disgusted me - what lazy slobs of parents, really. That sounds harsh, but I felt horrible and sad for the kids, who will probably grow up to have a whole assortment of health problems throughout their lives. It shocks me that this is actually a reality for some poor kids who never learn proper nutrition habits. I've read in many articles that eating habits are formed at a very early age, and become so much harder to break and change in the adult years. I can only count myself extremely lucky that my mother always cooked healthy, balanced meals at home, and junk food was an extremely rare occasion for us.

That's not to say you can't make a change - you can do it! Some people asked me, how can I lose weight if I don't like vegetables? My response to that is - become a better cook! Some people just don't know how to prepare healthy food in an appetizing way. A huge no-no for me is boiling vegetables in water - yuck! Even I hate boiled vegetables - perfect way to deplete the food from all vitamins and flavor. I would suggest to buy some good cookbooks and learn some different ways to prepare vegetables. One of the quickest and tastiest method is roasting in the oven with some fresh herbs and garlic and olive oil. It's really all about experimenting. Cookbooks are the easiest way to learn how to cook, and once you get the basics, you'll find you don't need cookbooks at all anymore.

As I write this I am feeling totally groggy and suffering from cramps, and all I want to do is curl up in bed with a movie - but you know what? I'm going to pop in my workout DVD now, power my way through a 1 hour leg work out session, then take a shower and only then curl up in bed. I want to reach my goal, I want to be fit. And there ain't no other way around it.

Today's Outfit!

Just a short and sweet video of my outfit of the day! Let me know if you'd like to see more of these kinds of videos? I am not a self-professed fashion guru, but I like the idea of these videos to see what other "normal" people wear.

Jacket: New Yorker
Top: Orsay
Jeans: Guess
Belt: KULT
Shoes: Tamaris
Earrings: Aldo Accessories
Nails: Misa - Hot People Like You

Watch this video on Youtube here.

10 May 2011

Sigma Brush Giveaway on Twitter

This blog entry will contain all the details on how to enter the TWITTER giveaway. I am giving away one Eyes Kit and one Synthetic Face Kit to two lucky winners from all my Twitter followers.

This contest is now closed. Please wait for the results on Youtube.

Contest ends May 31, 2011 and the winners will be announced on my Youtube channel. Do not tweet the above after this date.

What you can win on Twitter...

Synthetic Face Kit ($42 Value)

Eyes Kit ($45 Value)

9 May 2011

$1000 Makeup Brush Giveaway!

Twelve lucky winners will win a total of $1000 worth of makeup brushes from Sigma! This huge giveaway is spread across my different platforms - Youtube, Facebook and Twitter. Watch the video above to get all the details on how to enter to win.


You must be Subscribed to my Youtube channel
You must Favorite the above video to your Youtube account

(Make sure your Favorites and Subscriptions are public on your channel - I will check!)

1. Make a video response:
- Attach a short video in response wherein you answer the question "What does Makeup mean to you?"
- 1 Video entry per person only

(Video kann auch auf Deutsch sein! The video can be in German language as well!)

Prizes: 3 x Premium Brush Kit ($149 each)

2. Leave a comment on the contest video on Youtube (not here on my blog.) You can enter as many times as you like. Comments marked as Spam are still considered valid.

1 Complete Brush Kit with brush roll ($99)
1 Eye Brushes Kit ($45)
1 Synthetic Face Kit ($42)


"Like" my Page
Be an active member on my Page! Leave comments, Wall posts, participate in Discussions, Like my updates, etc. Winners will be picked thereby. NO SPAM! Spamming will disqualify you from the contest.

2 x Complete Brush Kit with brush roll ($99)
1 Eye Brushes Kit ($45)
1 Synthetic Face Kit ($42)


Follow me on Twitter and stay up to date with my tweets. I will tweet a link on how to enter to win multiple times throughout the contest. All details will follow on Twitter.

1 x Eye Brushes Kit ($45)
1 x Synthetic Face Kit ($42)

***Sigma Makeup Discount Code***

Discount code: JULIA2011
10% off all purchases until May 31, 2011

THE CONTEST IS OPEN WORLDWIDE, all ages and sexes! Contest ends May 31, 2011. You can enter all the contests to increase your chances, but you can win maximum one prize per person. If a person wins twice, the second prize will be re-offered. If you're under the age of 18, please ask parents' permission prior to entering. ALL winners will be announced at the beginning of June on my Youtube channel.

Follow Sigma on Twitter!!/Sigma_Beauty


6 May 2011

Wedding Makeup: Kate Middleton inspired

This bridal makeup was inspired by Kate Middleton, which she wore on her marriage to Prince William. She actually did her own makeup for the event, which is very brave of her. She did get lessons beforehand from a pro makeup artist, but good for her for having a go at it herself!

I have no idea what Kate used, so I used a variety of press pictures to get a general idea. She wore light pink lipstick, pink blush, and some browns on her eyes. The one thing I did not like at all about her look was the harsh black eyeliner she applied on the lower lid, so I changed that in my video and show how to make eyeliner soft and wearable for your wedding day.

The key thing you want to remember for wedding makeup is that your makeup needs to be appropriate for flash photography - that means no SPF in the foundation, using a more full coverage foundation that you would normally, and avoid using too many shimmery and sparkly products, glitter is an absolute no-go. Other than that, it's up to you what colors you want to use and what type of look you want to go for!

Illamasqua Cream foundation, MAC Blot Powder, Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge in Pink Raspberry, Lancome Blush Subtil in Rose Boisé,

Urban Decay Primer Potion, Lancome e/s (taupe color and a vanilla color, forget the names), Catrice Go Charlie Brow e/s, Catrice It's a Girl e/s, Lancome Kohl Crayon in Black, Max Factor kohl pencil in Natural Glaze

Rimmel Lipliner in Addiction, MAC Hue, MAC Bombshell

Barry M - Baby Pink 119

Click here to watch the tutorial on Youtube

My Fitness Diary (1)

I know this is a beauty blog so if you have zero interest in weightloss and fitness, skip this entry and read another one. I was thinking of creating a second blog or Tumblr account for this but then I thought, damn it, this is my blog and I can write whatever I want! There's no need to create a million different channels and accounts just because it's a different subject.

For those of you who are still reading - HI! I thought it would be great to write journals (mostly for myself but for anyone else who cares to read along) about my weightloss journey and lifestyle change. As some of you might already know, I've totally changed my diet and fitness habits since January and have continually been losing weight. I did this with a nutritious and healthy eating plan and exercising. No diet pills, no crazy crash diets, just the good old natural way.

This past week I've decided to up the ante and start doing some strength training in addition to my cardio. The reason being is that I'm staring to plateau, meaning I'm not losing much weight anymore despite eating well, and my body just needs a change of pace.

I started pilates but honestly, I felt it was really tough on my back from doing most of the moves lying down and I just didn't feel comfortable with it and had mediocre results. So now I've moved on to a fitness DVD called P90X. It's a high intensity workout DVD that targets specific regions in your body (core, shoulders, back, legs, abs, etc.) and has extremely varied workouts, the main focus being on strength and endurance. I am absolutely loving this! Most of the movements are done standing up which is much easier on my back, and you don't need a ton of additional accessories to get started. I bought a pair of 3kg weights (6.6 lbs) and an exercise mat as I don't have carpeting at home. There's some routines that involve a chin-up bar but I'm nowhere near that strong yet.

I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get through even a single routine as I'm a complete wimp when it comes to strength, but I was amazed when I did my first arms and shoulders workout on there and managed to get through the entire thing. Two days ago I did the workout for legs, and let me tell you, I am paying for it now. My muscles were extremely sore the day after, but this is normal if you're a beginner, as your muscles have to adjust to your new fitness routine. I love the fact that I can target a different area each day, so that when I'm sore the next day, I can work out another part of my body while giving the sore areas rest.

Would I recommend this DVD series to a complete beginner? Well, it is challenging; if you are extremely obese and haven't done any exercise or cardio in years, this most likely will be too tough for you. I am very new to strength training but have been doing regular cardio for 3 months, and I am able to get through the workouts, doing fewer reps and lower weights than the muscle maniac instructor of course. So I guess this is a good DVD for those who have reached a medium level fitness routine already and want to build muscle. Though I've read that some people started this completely out of shape and stuck with it, but it would probably have been too hard for me.

I've been extremely motivated lately to switch up my fitness routine, as I was starting to get bored of the elliptical machine. I'm going to try to keep this up all summer, I really cannot wait to start seeing results, though I know it won't happen overnight. It's a lot of sweat, pain and tears but I've never felt better. I need to concoct a perfect post-workout power drink that will replenish my body and muscles, as my body is screaming "FEED ME" right after. Right now I'm doing smoothies containing plain yogurt, berries, 1 banana, and some oatmeal for carbs, but I might have to look into adding some protein supplement in there as well - not quite sure where to buy that. I'm not one to chug down a bottle of Gatorade or another chemical drink.

I think this change in my fitness routine will definitely have an impact. I never thought that training just using your body weight could be so effective, but it's right up my alley. I hate gyms, I hate smelly locker rooms and unhygienic showers, so I love that I can do this whenever I want at home. I haven't tried out all the routines yet, I'm looking forward to trying out the Kenop segment next, which is based on martial arts moves.

As for the rest of my diet, I'm still eating the same as before. High on vegetables and proteins, reduced but consistent amount of whole-grain carbohydrates, and the occasional cheat meal on weekends. I don't do entire cheat days, but if I want to have the occasional sweet now and then like some ice cream on a hot day, I'll have it.

Some of my viewers voiced concern that I shouldn't become obsessed with weightloss and exercise - trust me, I'm not. I still have a life outside of all this, I meet with friends and family, go out, and don't think about every morsel of food I put in my mouth, and punish myself afterwards by over-exercising. The way I see it is that I was a lazy couch potato long enough, so now I really have to work my butt off (literally) for a few months to make that retroactive, then it's all about maintenance. I never want to slip back into my inactivity and laziness and poor eating habits again. I am liking what I see in the mirror more and more, and that is putting a bounce back in my step, and motivating me to keep going.

That's my latest update, I filmed a weightloss update video a few days ago that I'll upload onto my vlogging channel on Youtube soon enough where you'll see new progress pics and I answer some of the questions people had.

Have a great day!

3 May 2011

Lilash Sale!

If anyone is interested in purchasing the Lilash lash serum that I swear by, here's a coupon code for a current sale. Buy one, get one 50% off.


Details: Buy one regular price, get the second one 50% off
Code: MOM11
Valid through May 5th at 11:59pm PST.

(Regular price is $139.97) Use the code at checkout for your deduction.

You can see my impressions of the product in this previous post (click here to read). I've also done a video on this product before on my Youtube channel, which can be viewed here. I recommend you check it out before purchasing so you'll know a bit more about it.

Personally, a tube lasts me well over 6 months of use, and if you don't need two bottles, you can always use the deal sharing with a friend. I'm actually on my last tube right now so I might take advantage of the sale too. :)

1 May 2011

Book Haul! What I'm reading...

Yay, my latest Amazon book order came! I've been a total bookworm lately, I just love delving into another world for a moment and getting to know all the characters. I recently finished the first three books of Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments series, so I bought the 4th book City of Fallen Angels because I want to know what happens next. I have read the review on Amazons and they weren't all that positive so I guess I'll just let myself be surprised.

I also picked up the second book of George R. R. Martin's fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire, A Clash of Kings. I listened to Game of Thrones on audio book several months ago but couldn't get into it, but the new TV show on HBO renewed my interest in the series so I thought I'd take another stab at it, this time with the actual book. It's often rated as one of the best adult fantasy series of all times. If you haven't checked out the TV show on HBO based on these books, I highly recommend it. It's big budget, with fantastic actors and beautiful art direction, and is very true to the books. George R. R. Martin is heavily involved with the writing of the show, so you know it will be true to his vision. The TV show is called Game of Thrones and runs on HBO, Sunday nights. It's definitely a show you need to start watching from the very beginning as the storyline is very complex and there's many different characters, but I love it so far.

Lastly I purchased The Iron King by Julie Kagawa, which is another supernatural/fantasy series I've heard a lot about. The story revolves are fairies - I've never read a book to do with fairies so I thought I'd try it out.

If you enjoy reading, make sure to subscribe to my vlogging channel on Youtube, I frequently review my latest reads on there and will eventually review these ones as well. I've also been thinking of buying an Amazon Kindle, since I read so much and hate waiting for my book orders to arrive, and I prefer shopping for books online rather than in a bookstore. I just get overwhelmed and it takes me hours to find something - plus it's more expensive.

Let me know what you're reading in the comments! Also, if you have a Kindle, let me know your experiences with it - are you happy with your purchase? Why or why not?