
4 Sept 2011

Essence/Catrice Blogger Event in Berlin

I finally had time to edit the pictures and video I took at the Catrice & Essence blog event on August 27-28, 2011 in Berlin. Over fifty of the top bloggers and Youtubers from the German-speaking realm were invited to participate at the event which was hosted at the posh nHow Design Hotel. The rooms were pink! You can see a full room tour, my outfits and makeup, and more footage from the event in my video. I didn't take that many pictures so definitely take a look:

We were introduced to the upcoming fall and winter collections of both brands, and got to sample the entire stock of their product range including nailpolish, skincare, makeup and more. They also had artists on hand if you wanted to get a make-over or have your nails perfectly manicured.

Lest we should go hungry there was a tasty smorgrasboard of snacks, treats and drinks on hand. The brownies were simply too good to pass up...yum!

The elevators were all different color schemes - this one was pink! How cute.

In the evening we were invited to the panorama suite on the rooftop with a beautiful view over Berlin, where we were treated to more food and an open bar with champagne whilst being serenaded by the piano man.

More food was consumed....

Bloggers get thirsty too...ahem! *hiccup*

It was a relaxing evening and it was so interesting to finally meet all the people behind the names, and to meet new ones that I haven't heard about before. It was quite a busy day and since I had been up since 5am due to catching an early flight to Berlin, I can't tell you how exhausted I was at the end and how well I slept in the gigantic bed.

The next day we had a lovely breakfast buffet but I was hardly able to get any food down somehow. I had planned a public meet-up with some of my viewers in Berlin at the Alexanderplatz, which is a big public meeting point in the centre of town. I handed out make-up to everyone who came, since we received so many goodies at the event and I wanted to share it around a bit. I had so much fun meeting my viewers and was surprised how many came. Thanks so much to all of you, it was really great to have a coffee at Starbucks with you. Now I'm really looking forward to the meet-up in New York!

Finally, here's some pictures hamming it up with Ebru from Ebruza's Beauty Lounge on Youtube. She is the most subscribed German-speaking beauty guru in Germany.

So that's it! I hope you enjoyed the pictures and video and were able to get a small impression of the overall event. Thank you so much to Catrice & Essence for the opportunity! I had a lot of fun. Chikarina also wrote a really great blog post about the event in German, if you want to see more pictures. She also did a much better job than me at swatching all the new products if you're interested.


  1. awwwwh you look great! look like you had a ball :)

  2. Anonymous7:51 pm

    Aww fabulous event, thansk for blogging. And you look fabulous :)

  3. Berlin is such a great city! I stayed near Alexnaderplatz when I went x

  4. Cool event and awesome pictures!
    Hope you have a great time in NYC!


  5. Julia you look great! You were always beautiful but definitely Fabulous now.


  6. Oh I do wish we had catrice in England. You look absolutely stunning on all the pictures, especially the one in the lift. so slim and elegant, and young and trendy xx

  7. You always have such fun pictures.

  8. wow all the food! looks amazing
    and that rooftop suit looks awesome! very classy

  9. Ich fande es auch richtig klasse dich kennenzulernen. Sehr schöne Fotos! Lass was von dir hören, falls du nochmal in Düsseldorf oder der Umgebung bist.
    Liebe Grüße und ganz viel Spaß in New York! <3

  10. Paphiopedilum4:06 am

    Ich finds super daß solche Events von den Firmen veranstaltet werden. Das wird zwar aus verschiedenen Gründen von vielen Leuten kritisiert, aber ich seh das überhaupt nicht kritisch. Natürlich ist es für die Firmen eine Werbeaktion; warum aber auch nicht, es sind schließlich gewinnorientierte Unternehmen. Andererseits seh ich das aber auch so, daß sie den Beauty-Bloggern ganz offensichtlich eine nicht unerhebliche Relevanz zuschreiben, und das ist doch erfreulich, würd ich sagen. Außerdem ist es auch gut, wenn gerade Blogger, die ja ziemliche Informationsmultiplikatoren sind, frühzeitig Eindrücke von kommenden Kollektionen sammeln, und dann zwangsläufig auch an uns Leser weitergben können, und nicht etwa erst dann, wenn ggf. die Hälfte von den Sachen schon wieder vergriffen ist. Und last but not least find ichs auch deswegen gut, weil ich mir denk, auch wenns ein schönes, spaßiges Hobby ist, und auch wenn die Blogger sich die Produkte sich nicht "nur" für uns Leser, sondern natürlich auch aus persönlicher Freude daran kaufen, so geht doch sehr, sehr viel Zeit und Arbeit drauf für die ganze Bloggerei und alles, was noch mit dran hängt. Insofern gönn ichs dann auch Jedem, mal zu so einem coolen Event eingeladen zu werden, und ich kann offen gesagt, überhaupt nicht verstehen, wieso Mancher sich darüber alterieren muß...

  11. Anonymous10:24 pm

    Hi Julia, just thought you can do a review on Catrice and Essence foundations...I just discovered that catrice is now available in my country and foundation seems to be nice so how do you feel about them?

  12. Julia, do you think you could do an overview post on Catrice eyeshadows?
