
4 Sept 2011

My weekend hiking trip

This weekend my boyfriend and I had another couple staying over at our house, old friends, and we decided to take advantage of the sunny weather on Saturday to do some hiking near Mount Gurnigel. Here are some views from one of the peaks, it's very scenic. Hiking is also an excellent way to exercise without boring yourself to tears! Pack a lunch and plenty of water, then hit the great outdoors.

It was so hot! Here I am all red-faced and sweaty - but it was worth it for some fresh mountain air.

We also spotted cattle along the way; some were coming down the mountain at the end of the summer season grazing on the alpine pastures...

And some were still happily grazing. I believe these are actually young steer.

This calf was so cute!

This beautiful alp cottage is very characteristic of the region. Farmers live up there in the summer to take care of the animals and make traditional cheese, only to come down at the end of the summer season back to their regular farms. The large bells you see hanging on the cabin are worn by the cows when they are led down from the mountain pastures back into the valley, as it's quite traditional. They make a lot of noise!

I hope you enjoyed the pictures! How was your weekend?


  1. Hi!Congratulations winner!At this moment my weekend is so bored! I like your photos abot the landscape, your country it´s wonderfull!
    Best Wishes

  2. lovely pictures, by the way you are looking great! Such an inspiration to me. I recently lost 30 lbs, but since the last month I have hit a rut, it is so hard to get out of too.

  3. Love the place :D i wish i can go there ;)

  4. Loved the pictures! Awesome place.


  5. So beautiful! Looks like you had lots of fun :D
