
2 May 2012

Berner Zeitung - Swiss newspaper

Back in February I was featured in the Berner Zeitung, the main newspaper for the canton Berne, in which I live. Here is a screenshot of the article, which can also be read online HERE: click!

Well, I don't think I can translate the whole text for you, but maybe some excerpts:

Julia originally studied Political Science in university, and also spent some time as an exchange student at the University of Berne. After graduating, she worked full time for a while, but as her Youtube videos became more successful, she began to focus more of her energy around it. (I currently work part time around my video time)
Some people might think that Julia is a shallow person, due to the nature of her videos. But this estimation is incorrect: "I only became interested in makeup when I was already in university." ... It is hard to have a clear focus in such a fast-changing environment. "Passing 100 Million views will be a big milestone for me, maybe I should have a party," says the young woman.

Thank you Claudia Salzmann for the interview!

Click here to read all previous press clippings.

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