
2 May 2012

My Keynote at 5 Connect

I was recently invited to hold the Keynote speech at the 5 Connect Event hosted by the Wirtschaftsfrauen Ostschweiz in St. Gallen. It is a business networking association for and by successful women from all sectors - marketing, public relations, business, journalism, law, etc. The theme of the event was "Social Media", and I was invited to share the story of my Youtube successes and blunders to an audience of about 40 members. The event took place in the historic building of the Vadian Bank, and my speech with question and answer period was about 50 minutes long.

I created an extensive Keynote slideshow on my MacBook, during which I detailed what I do on Youtube, Facebook, Blogger and Twitter, the story of my Youtube channel, how it developed and grew over time, and tips for businesses interested in broadening their online reach, what to do and what to avoid, etc.

Be prepared to see some of the most unflattering mid-speech and blinding-full-on-flash photos! Dear god. You have been forewarned.

With Iris Müller - a long-time Subscriber of my channel, business woman, and event organizer

Setting up my Keynote presentation

Hi I'm Julia, and I'm going to talk to you about social media...I iz an Exphert!! :p

Q&A time - more like Deer caught in headlights!!! O.o

Pimp my Presentation - with Apple Keynote!

Looks like I made a new friend! Hello :)

Audience members networking and getting their groove on

OMG I can haz present??? Wheeeee!!! Thanks you, Iris!

Not done yet! Giving an interview to a journalist from the press

OK that was strenuous, I'd better hit the buffet! And no, I didn't hit the dessert buffet 3 times. Nope. Not me! I would never do such a thing...

The presentation was a thorough success, and I am so honored that I had the opportunity to share my experience and tips with fellow successful women. Thank you to the Wirtschaftsfrauen Ostschweiz, and especially Iris Müller for all your support. I had some wonderful conversations, met interesting people, and got great feedback on my Keynote.


  1. This is awesome!!! Congrats!!! :)

  2. Caroline1:34 pm

    Arggg...public worst fear! Well done... I'm sure you inspired many ladies!

  3. Marianna7:07 pm

    Wow sounds like you had loads of fun, besides the professional success, of course! Congrats! I wish every time I had to give a conference about my work I would be received with such detail, hehehe. It's usually loads of questions, a pat on the back, and "bye, 'till next time". Kiss! :)

  4. Anonymous4:42 am

    can you do a hair tutorial on the hair do?
