
3 May 2012

Netzwoche & St.Galler Tagblatt

As you might have seen from my previous post, I was recently invited to hold a Keynote speech at a business networking event in Switzerland.

At the event I was interviewed by 2 journalists, and I wanted to share them with you.

First up a more in-depth interview with the St. Galler Tagblatt newspaper, which you can click to see full size if you want to read it. It is in German, but I will try to translate a few excepts for you this week (too tired right now, it's midnight here and I've worked all day!)

Next I was also published in Netzwoche, which is a magazine focused on IT news, Internet, new Tech releases, etc.

This extensive article reporting on the event and on my Keynote speech can be read online on their website here: Click! 

Again, I will try to translate some excerpts into English for you this week. Thank you to Raya Badraun and Miriam Kalunder for the articles!


  1. Congrats! you deserve it! thanks for sharing!

  2. Anonymous1:03 pm

    Der Zeitungsartikel ist in full size viel zu klein zum Lesen :(....

  3. Great blog!
    Luciano - from Brazil
