
10 Jul 2013

Draw My Life

There have been a slew of Draw My Life videos on Youtube, and so many of you requested that I do one! I hesitated for a long time because actually, I'm a fairly private person and very careful about what I share on Youtube or on the Internet in general.

I changed my mind on doing this video many times, but then I realized that I don't want to portray myself as someone who is "perfect", as someone who doesn't have problems and issues just like the next person. Sometimes I feel like there is such a struggle to always look and seem flawless on Youtube, but it's really not who I am. I mean, I have gone through dark periods of life, had both amazing and troubling experiences, and faced challenges that I struggled to overcome. And most of all, my life doesn't revolve all around beauty and shopping. Before Youtube, I did a lot of traveling and soul-searching that shaped me into the person I am today. I wanted to share that previous life with you.

You can watch it below, or see it directly on Youtube here.

Here are some more drawing excerpts - the video is in watercolor!


  1. I really enjoyed your Draw my Life vid! It was very inspiring, especially what you said at the end!

  2. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story and you really lived it up. I still haven't got my life figured out but this was inspiring. Love the drawings!

  3. I really enjoyed your story - you are a really well-rounded individual. Great drawings!

  4. This was so awesome video and very inspiring.

  5. Thanks for sharing Julia! I really enjoyed it!

  6. Julia, I want you yo know I am so proud of you and your video was inspiring. Like you said, a lot of people on youtube are portrayed as having perfect lives, so to share personal info about your past allows us to connect with you more. I'm glad you decided to share after all :)

  7. Such a great video, you're bravery and spirit of adventure are immensely inspiring!

  8. Love your video! It's such a great inspiration!

  9. Thanks for sharing your life. Had no idea you already did so much ! Glad you managed to find peace in your mind, i know what is like ! Beautiful drawings ... mine would be so kinder garden like !!


  10. Thanks for sharing your life. Had no idea you already did so much. I am glad you managed to find peace in your mind ! Your drawings are amazing, mine would be more kinder garden !!

    Revinsthoughts.blogspot. com

  11. Thanks for sharing your life. Had no idea you already did so much ! Glad you managed to find peace in your mind, i know what is like ! Beautiful drawings ... mine would be so kinder garden like !!


  12. This was wonderful! The best draw my life I have seen. I also watched your Asia video and I'm really itching to go travelling next summer after I finish my studies.

    I was thinking about doing the interrail around Europe. I'm from Ireland but haven't seen a lot of Europe. Do you know much about this system, or know anyone who's done it and could give me any advice? :)

  13. Thanks for the video! I really enjoyed watching it :)

  14. Wow, I loved it! Thanks for sharing :-)

  15. I absolutely love the video. I can understand the privacy concerns so it is even more special to watch your "Draw your life". :)
