
8 Jul 2013

L'Oréal Colour Me Pink Collection

Hello, today I've got the L'Oréal Colour Me Pink collection to share with you. This a collection of all pink products, for all the pink lovers out there! It's very girly and fun, if you're into that.

First up, the lipsticks!

Left to Right: Ballerina Shoes, I Pink You're Cute, Miss Magenta, Fresh as a Rose, Wisteria Rose, Everbloom, Pink Flamingo, Raspberry Rush

Swatches are in the same oder of appearance as above, left to right, top to bottom.

As you can see, there's probably a shade of pink in there for every skin tone and for every taste. Speaking of taste, that "Old Lady" scent of these lipsticks has remained unchanged since sometimes in the early 90s I think. L'Oréal, please - it's 2013 and that scent has got to go! It's just so dated. I don't like my lipsticks smelling and tasting like a 90s flashback.

Ballerina Shoes is the only really frosty shade in there, and I don't like it too much. Do frosty, light lipstick colours actually look good on anyone? Besides that, my favorites are Raspberry Rush and Pink Flamingo. They are all very wearable shades and I wouldn't call any of them neon, they aren't as intensely bright as the Maybelline Vivids for example, which might be a good thing for some people.

Next up are the nailpolishes.

Left to Right: Sugary Sweet, Taste of Romance, Hella Pink, Pink Attitude, Rosy Macaron, Berry Jealous

Just bottle pictures here for now. I've worn Hella Pink on my nails and it's so pretty! They have a slightly thinner texture than some other polishes I own, but this particular shade was opaque after two coats. I'm on my second day of wear right now and there are no chips whatsoever yet.

Lastly, the lip glosses...

Left to Right: Pucker Up Pink, Florid Pink, Rosy Demeanor, Raspberry Flush, Berry Chic

These have a nice pigmentation, and a pleasant caramel flavor. (Not the 90s scent like the lipsticks.) I personally would prefer a wand and brush applicator here because I find it's hard to get a nice application with the squeeze-out angled tops. But other than that, the bolders colors look really nice.

Has anything here caught your attention? Anything you might pick up? These products are available at the drugstore in the USA, unsure of how it looks with worldwide availability.


  1. I love this collection, I am not sure if it comes to the shops here, but I would definitely pick one or two nail polishes and some lipglosses, the lipsticks are too bright for me I think but still, they are nice shades

  2. I can't wait to see the lipsticks in stores, a couple of them have already caught my eye :)

  3. Love those lip shades. the first and last are my fav


  4. I love the range of colours they have. Everyone should really be able to find a colour they like. :3

  5. OMG!!! This collection is so pretty. I love pinks so I think I'll get some on this collection.

  6. OMG! I need this. I hope that these lipstick we will have in Czech Republic. I really need Everbloom shade. <3
