
27 Feb 2014

Kendall Jenner Makeup Tutorial

Hi everyone! Today I'm recreating this Kendall Jenner Look for you today. I thought it was really fun and flirty, so I hope you like it. Check out my video tutorial below how to recreate the look. Above you can see the inspiration picture I used!

21 Feb 2014

Julia Graf for Manhattan Cosmetics

Today is a very exciting day, because I finally get to tell you about something really awesome! Manhattan Cosmetics, a super popular drugstore makeup brand that is sold in all German speaking countries, is going to release a special collection completely designed by myself and eight other Bloggers, based on NEW YORK CITY!!!

So this is obviously a huge project that takes a lot of time and coordination with many different people, and we started to work on our collection in May 2013 in Germany. And when I say we designed this collection, I mean we came up with everything. We got to figure out what products we want to release, the packaging and finishes we want, and of course all the colors.

To get inspiration for our NEW YORK collection, we traveled to the Big Apple last summer (we all nearly died during the massive heat wave they had there) and really got to explore. It was an exciting time where we took the chance to see many different parts of the city, took loads of pictures, and really let the atmosphere sink in. We stayed at the super hip and trendy Standard Highline Hotel in the Meatpacking district, which offered an open rooftop bar with a simply stunning view over the Manhattan Skyline. I felt like I was in my own version of Sex and the City...well, without the sex! Hahaha...

Getting picked up by stretch limos at the airport.

Trend scouting in the City

The next day we went to the exclusive Soho House and gathered all our creative juices and all the inspirations we had gathered from our time in the City, and created fantastic Mood Boards to narrow down our ideas and really focus on the important elements we wanted to incorporate into the collection. It was super exciting to put all our ideas into action and actually get to play around with products to see what would work together. It was also quite intense as we didn't have unlimited time, so the pressure was on to finalize things. 

Mood Board creation at Soho House

Gathering ideas and inspiration from our time in New York City

Hard at work...or hardly working? The former, I think!

Ani, Özi and Paddi at work

The next day we actually got to visit the laboratory where Manhattan products are produced, and this in itself was a huge honor. These labs are often extremely secretive when it comes to letting in people that are not direct employees of the company due to company secrets, and it was fascinating to see the science behind makeup, how all these random ingredients are mixed together to create a nailpolish, a lipstick, an eyeshadow. We actually got to mix the shades directly in the lab, and then tell the technicians - here, this is what we want please! It was so amazing to be so directly involved, and have complete creative control. 

Since then we've received samples of our products, and we've been allowed and encouraged to make any necessary changes. For example if the color was different than we imagined, if we wanted a slightly different texture, or anything else. It was a lot of coordination at this point because we all live in different cities, so we had to discuss any changes as a group online. It was tricky! I really think all the hard will will definitely be worth it. The products will be available in stores in August 2014, after more than a year long process. It's crazy to see how many steps are involved in the creation of a makeup collection, especially when there are so many people involved. But I can't wait to see the final product, and for you to all see it!

Here are links to all the lovely ladies who are also involved in the NEW YORK collection:

Theresa from
Magi from
Mira from
Anna from
Anni from
Jetti from
Özlem from

Paddy from

Grazia magazine, a popular German fashion and lifestyle mag, has also reported on our upcoming collection! See the report here: Link

Of course a huge thank you to Manhattan Cosmetics for such a wonderful opportunity and for allowing us such immense creative freedom with our collection. More updates to come before the release date in August 2014!

17 Feb 2014

Katy Perry Dark Horse Video Makeup

Have you seen the preview for Katie Perry's new music video - Dark Horse - yet? I don't think the entire video has been released yet but I took a screenshot below of the very end where you see Katy Perry channeling Cleopatra. Yes, I edited on the diamanté grillz, haha! But everything else is just the makeup...

Below you can see some unedited pictures of the look I recreated. Now of course the shape of the design on the eyes will vary from person to person, because no one's going to have the exact same eye shape as Katy Perry. But I think I came pretty close with my interpretation!

Keep reading to see my video tutorial below to see how I recreated this look!

Broken Hearted Valentine Makeup

Hi everybody! For Valentine's Day this year I wanted to do an off the wall look, because I just felt like there were so many traditional date-night looks floating around already. So instead of just adding another one to the heap, I wanted to show you something quite artistic and fun. The inspiration behind this is a "Broken Hearted Lover". I hope none of you had a broken heart on Valentine's Day! Here's what I came up with...

Keep reading to see how I created this makeup with my video tutorial below, and find all the products I used.

7 Feb 2014

Rihanna Makeup Tutorial

Have you seen Rihanna's new music video that she collaborated on with Shakira? It's pretty sexy! Although, it does bother me that to be a successful pop singer nowadays, you have to wear almost no clothes, or none at all, in music videos, to get noticed. I don't listen to pop music anyways...but I digress!

Here's the look Rihanna was wearing in the video - very classic Riri but such a gorgeous look! I couldn't wait to recreate it.

Obviously this look will be quite different on my skin tone, but here's my interpretation. I love wearing bright, bold red lips, and this look is perfect for making the lips stand out. Even so, the eyes are also quite defined, you could even wear this with a nude or lighter color lipstick for a softer overall look.

Keep reading to watch my video tutorial to get this look and find out which products where used!

4 Feb 2014

12 Eyeliner Variations

This post is all about eyeliner...if the title didn't give it away! ;)

In my tutorial I'll show you 12 different eyeshadow techniques and shapes that you can easily use to create a unique look to your eye makeup. Whether you combine it with eyeshadows or wear just by itself, these eyeliner methods are sure to make your peepers stand out!

Let me know which one if your favorite and what you're most likely to try out!

MAC Blacktrack Fluidline
MAC Feline kohl pencil
Art brush (similar can be found here:
MAC 219 brush
Illamasqua Obsidian shadow (CA) or (UK)

(The green liner is Makeup Geek but I don't recommend it, sorry, because it transfers onto the lid)

Fresh & Pretty Pink Makeup

I was in the mood for something light and fresh for spring, here's what I came up with!

It's fun and flirty but toned down; this look would also be great for a wedding, prom, or graduation I think. I've been wearing my makeup like this a lot recently and I always get compliments on it, so I really hope you will enjoy it also and try it out!

Keep reading to check out my step-by-step video below how to achieve this look, and find out which products I used!

Perfect Eyebrows! How to get 'em...

Let me start off by saying my brows au naturel are anything but perfect - they are thin, the hair doesn't grow very dense or bushy, and they would definitely be a bit more full if I had control over my genes. Unfortunately, that's not the reality, so I actually spend quite a bit of time "faking" it - hah! I still want them to look natural, or as close to natural as possible, but I have to use products to make that happen.

Here are a few simple guidelines:

  • Please, please ladies - especially if you're a teen - don't over-pluck your brows! If you start plucking those hairs when you're 14 years old and continue for a few years, those hairs might never grow back, or they'll come back thinner, finer, or colorless. You'll ultimately regret it when you're older, because stronger brows can make a maturing face look more youthful! Grab those pesky stray hairs that grow outside of your natural brow line, and by all means remove a complete unibrow, but know when to stop! Don't use a magnifying mirror when tweezing, you'll go overboard.

  • Your natural brow shape - as in the pattern the hair grows on your face - is the one that is best suited to you. Don't try to create unnaturally high arcs if you don't have one, or completely change the shape that is given. Go with what you already have, it will look miles better than wonky, unnatural looking brows that just look over-tweezed. Straight or rounded brows can be beautiful too. This is one reason why I avoid those cut-out plastic brow guides that some companies offer - one size does not suit all! Try to figure out what your natural brow shape is, and go from there.

  • Try to use brow products that have an ashy color tone. For most people, this will look more flattering than warm colors on the brows, because often natural brow hairs are more ashy by nature. Unfortunately, you might have to spend a bit more money on department store products to find a suitable color. My own experience with drugstore products in finding good brow products has been very poor, as the color range is so limited and often they just don't stay on your brows, and have a tendency to wander all over your face.
Keep reading to see my video tutorial and recommended products!

Fresh Foundation Routine + Contouring

I wanted to share with you my updated foundation routine! This is the kind of makeup that I would wear for special occasions, or when I just want my face to look really great for photography. I don't normally contour my face on a daily basis (heck, I don't even wear foundation everyday) but it's a technique that I like to use now and then when I want to give my face more dimension. Sometimes applying a single foundation colour can make your face look a bit flat in pictures! This method will give you a more sculpted look.

Keep reading to check out my video tutorial for all the details and products!