
25 Aug 2009

Products I'm using right now - August 2009

This seems to be a popular tag going around right now and I wanted to participate! All the products I'm currently using and enjoying.

Shampoo: Rausch Weidenrinde shampoo (so soothing!)
Conditioner: L'Oreal Elseve for Colored hair
Styling products: currently none, I need a haircut
Shower Gel: Palmolive Tahiti Ylang Ylang (love this scent!)
Body moisturiser: Bebe Body Lotion for dry skin
Deodorant: Nivea perfume-free roll on
Fake Tan: Gave up, they all look orange and fake on my pale skin
Cleanser: Imagem cleanser from Beautychoice
Exfoliator: Imagem from Beautychoice
Primer: I use my facial moisturizer, Eucerin oil-free spf 15
Foundation brush: Illamasqua blush brush 
Concealer: Ben Nye corrector wheel
Powder: Ben Nye neutral set or MAC Blot powder pressed
Blusher: Bobbi Brown Raspberry Pink pot rouge
Bronzer: Barry M Natural Dazzle
Highlighter: MAC MSF in Blonde
Eyeshadow base: ArtDeco e/s base, MAC Untitled Paint, NYX Jumbo eye pencils
Eyeshadows: MAC Woodwinked, Dazzlelight, Calypso Minerals
Eyeliner: generic gel eyeliners from ebay (I love these)
Curler: Hardly use one anymore thanks to the effects of Lilash!
Mascara: L'Oreal Voluminous
Lipstick: MAC Bing Mattene, Illamasqua Maneater
Lipgloss: NYX Smokey Look
Nail Colour: Zoya Isla

24 Aug 2009

Fashion inspired Gothic Makeup

Please do not re-host my pictures without prior permission, or without at least linking back to this blog entry. Image theft is not cool - thanks.

This look was inspired by an editorial fashion spread I spotted in a magazine, where the model was wearing very edgy, gothic, dark makeup. Since some of the upcoming fall collections seem to be focusing on black makeup, for example MAC's Style Black collection, I felt this look would be fitting for those people who love dark, gothic looks. This look is obviously not an everyday, natural, wearable look - but it is fun to do, especially for those people brave enough to sport makeup like this out and about, be it a dark smokey club or even a gothic rock concert. There are many different ways to do gothic makeup - this one is more high fashion inspired.

In the video, the colors on the eyes are hard to see. It is not all black - the edges are dark purple and the lids are burgundy. It comes across more color accurate on these pictures. (I really need to get some better lighting for filming at night *sigh*)

Illamasqua cream foundation, Illamasqua Intrigue Blush, Ben Nye Contour Nr.1 powder
Generic gel eyeliners from ebay, Ben Nye Toast e/s, MAC e/s in Beauty Marked, Mystical Mist, L'Oreal Voluminous mascara
MAC Brow pencil in Spiked, MAC Carbon e/s, Margaret Astor clear mascara to set
MAC Velvetella creamstick liner, MAC Bing Mattene lipstick, NYX lipstics in Pandora and Chaos
OPI - We'll Always Have Paris (from the France collection)

Link to my video tutorial

PS: Yes I have an account on under the name of MissChievous, yes it is me! :) Haha

23 Aug 2009

Blogging block

What does a beauty blogger blog about when she isn't currently buying many beauty products? I feel a bit at a loss what I could write about or blog about sometimes as I've currently put myself on a no-buy clause due to various reasons. For one, I have so much makeup that I sometimes feel like I'm just wasting my money on another product I probably don't need that much, and two, right now things aren't looking so great on the financial aspect due to some issues going on in my personal life.

But then I realized - goddamnit this is my blog, and I can write about whatever I want, even if it's just some rambley nonsense about nothing in particular.

Well, we've been having a heat wave lately and it's been ridiculously hot here in Switzerland - but I am loving it! I'm definitely more of a summer person than a winter person - as far as I'm concerned it could be summer forever. Although I love early fall too, the turning leaves, chilly mornings with mist on the hills, collecting chestnuts, and wearing cozy pashmina shawls and cute fall jackets. This summer has been pretty uneventful for me overall - I am really ready for a vacation. Unfortunately this summer I could not go on holiday - but hopefully that will change soon. I remember the 2 week road trip my boyfriend and I did last September through Tuscany and it was one of the best vacations I ever had. I would love to go back there sometime, maybe in spring, when everything is green and in bloom. Although yesterday I was watching a travel documentary about a trip East along the Danube river. In case you don't know where this is, it's a large river in Europe that flows into the Black Sea.

Well anyhow, the documentary traveled along this river and it looked absolutely beautiful, especially the farther East it went - everything looked much more rural and untouched. That would be a really great trip to take, and to see some of these places in Eastern Europe that I haven't been to yet. I miss traveling and am a bit of a traveling nut - I traveled for nearly 2 years after high school around Europe and Asia. But, as you get older and have more responsibilities and monthly bills to pay, and a job, it just becomes so hard to take off for a longer amount of time. Sometimes I feel like so much time is wasted working at some McJob, to buy material objects to give meaning to our rather shallow lives, when that time could be spent actually living and doing other things.

Hm, well that's enough rambling for one day. Let me know if you want to see more of these off-topic kind of posts or if they bore you to death - haha! Although I do write this blog for myself mainly, it's always good to get audience input.

Hope you are having a great Sunday! Anyone going to watch True Blood tonight? I personally can't wait to catch the new episode ahhhhh! I'm in love with Eric.

18 Aug 2009

Makeup Trends Fall 2009: Berry Lipstick

Summer is slowly coming to a close and I'm looking forward to being able to sport some darker, moodier, smokier looks again for the fall season. Not that you can't wear that type of makeup whenever you want, know!

Some of the upcoming fall makeup collections, such as the Nars Lolita and the Dior Jazz Club collections, inspired this look. While I'm not using any of the products from those brands for this tutorial, I used what I had and still managed to come up with a nice fall look. One of the big trends for fall 2009 are cosmetics in rich berry-toned shades, anything from juicy raspberry to burgundy blackberry shades. Lots of nail polishes, lipsticks, lip glosses and lip glazes will be making an appearance from this color family, so I decided to focus this look on deep berry toned lips. Berry colored lips are flattering on pretty much any skintone as they aren't as garish and jarring as bright red lips can be on some people. Try it out!

Illamasqua cream foundation, Nars Amour blush
MAC Untitled Paint, Meilasu cream eyeshadow (forgot the nr.), MAC Subtle pigment, FaceFront e/s in Sweet Soil and Vanilla, Illamasqua Slink e/s, L'Oreal Voluminous mascara, generic brown gel eyeliner from eBay
NYX Grape lipgloss, lip palette from ebay
Essence - Object of Desire

Some inspiration pics...Nars Lolita promo pic, followed by Dior Jazz Club promo pic.

Link to the video tutorial

15 Aug 2009

When do you normally watch videos on Youtube?

I'm just doing a little survey here - I want to find out what is the best time for my viewers for when to upload my videos on Youtube. It would really help me out if you can let me know when you would be most likely to watch videos on Youtube. It doesn't matter where you live - I can easily account for that by seeing my Youtube statistics to see where most of my viewers are from.

Please read the options carefully. I have taken into consideration that many people go out Friday and Saturday nights, and may have other activities planned on weekends. I believe you can select multiple options, but please only select those that apply best to you.


When are you most likely to watch Youtube videos?

14 Aug 2009


I was recently reading a thread on a beauty forum regarding Youtube, and a lot of people voiced their grievances about various issues pertinent to the Youtube beauty community. And while I disagreed with a lot of the complaints that people had, a lot of the issues raised also had valid points.

In recent weeks I have noticed a lot of respected videographers trying to disguise promotional items they were sent for free as personal "hauls". Now let me say right off the bat - I do not think there is anything wrong with receiving free stuff and doing a video on it if the product is to your liking, even for clothes, tanning products, brushes, etc. In those instances, a video will benefit everyone: the company gets more exposure for a good but relatively unknown product, and the viewer will find out about a great new product that otherwise would have remained in obscurity.

I even do not have a problem with Youtubers making money through other means, such as commissioned videos - recently you might have noticed that some popular Youtubers like nigahiga, smosh, or hotforwords were paid for product placement from a burger company, or Adidas in the case of smosh. You know what - more power to them! They are able to secure another source of income doing something they love - good for them. It's obvious to the viewers, and they have not tried to disguise this sponsorship. I don't think it is wrong for a videographer to ask for a fee for product placement on a video, be it beauty videos or otherwise, because let's face it - that company can stand to make a lot of money from the sole work of the videographer, all they had to do was send out a couple free samples. It is naive to think that big companies wouldn't eventually catch wind of the potential advertising that could be done through Youtube - the only question is how to deal with this in a manner that is fair to everyone involved. I'm sure nigahiga, smosh, and hotforwords were paid well for these endorsements and so they should be! But even then, the videographer should have enough integrity to not endorse products that aren't to their liking.

But recently there has been a worrying trend of beauty videographers not being honest about some of these things - saying they "hauled" or "ordered" an item when it was actually sent for free. Why is there the need to be dishonest about these things? No one is fooled when there's 3 or 4 people doing videos on the same exact product or online store at around the same time. Maybe they were paid for it, maybe not - that's not the point. I don't think there's anything wrong with that if it's done in an honest and upfront manner - either by stating in the video that the items were sent as a promotion, or writing it in the sidebar, or by mentioning something in the credits like "sponsored by ...", or at the very least not alluding that you are just a regular customer. When people write "haul" it's understood as a person showing items they purchased themselves.

I have to say that I find this an unfortunate development in the Youtube community. I can say that I was recently offered a large sum of money (I won't say how much) from a company to upload a review of their product on my channel. I am sure this company was hoping to secure a glowing and positive review of their product by offering me a substantial payment, but the product was absolutely useless! Sure, I admit the money was a tempting offer but in the end I knew I would lose a lot of respect from my viewers, and the idea of giving a glowing review of a junk product that my viewers might go out and purchase because they trusted my review and waste their hard earned money on something I'd been given for free, it just didn't sit right with me. So I just passed on the offer and the money, and gave the product away to a friend, never to be seen on my channel.

The funny thing is, another beauty videographer has reviewed this product and given it a glowing review, and I can see this video was viewed many, many times. Now, perhaps this person did have a positive experience with the product and maybe opinions and experiences just differ - I'm not ruling that out - but I also wonder if maybe the allure of the money outweighed their personal integrity.

Now I know you are all thinking - name and shame! But honestly, it's not about that - I'm not going to cause a huge shit storm over this, but I just want you to know that I always have and always will be honest in my reviews. I have turned down money and commissions for many products that were just junk, and I will continue to do so. Also, some products I initially liked, but over time I changed my opinion about them for whatever reason, so in that case I just removed the video from my channel (I only did this once so far and I learned my lesson to take much longer to test before reviewing!) If I do receive a product that I can absolutely stand behind, I will not hesitate to do a video on the product, but I will not make out that I "hauled" and purchased the item myself. I have always tried to be upfront about that - for example when I received some of those eyeshadow or lip palettes from eBay from the seller, products I truly like and continue to use myself, or the promo package from Illamasqua, or my sponsorship from BeautyChoice. I have even received products from BeautyChoice that I did not do videos on because I personally did not have a good experience with them - and the company was completely respectful and fine with that, something I highly value.

My protocol is if I get sent a free promo product and I don't like it - I just won't do a video on it. I will not go on Youtube and blast the company and say how crap the product is - I don't think that is fair especially as opinions differ and just because I didn't like it, doesn't mean someone else won't. I am well aware of the size of my audience and my "power" so to speak, if I go on Youtube and say how utterly crap a product is, I know that could potentially cause huge financial damages for a start-up, small family run business that is just hoping to get their name out there. So, I just deny them that exposure on my channel - I think this is a fair resolution.

But again, no one has to purchase any of the products I show on my channel. I can only offer my own opinion on something, and if it's something you're interested in then maybe it's helpful, if it's a product you have no use for - then please do not buy it. I don't want people to run out and just buy everything I use or show, and I always, always want everyone to do additional research and get a second opinion on something before making a rash purchase that they might not be 100% satisfied with.

Lastly, I can only implore other beauty videographers to wake up and realize what they are doing - they are not only alienating their own viewers who have helped them get this far on Youtube in the first place, but they are also casting a negative light on all of us who make beauty videos, because many viewers end up generalizing and thinking that all of us are like that, willing to give less than honest reviews on products to make a quick buck. I can only hope that these viewers will differentiate and make up their own minds on who or what to believe.

I am not trying to glorify myself or cast myself in a good light and put other people down. That is not the intent of this post. The point is that I want my viewers and my subscribers to know, that I am always honest in my reviews, and where I purchased things or if something was sent for free. In the beginning I may not have been so clear about this because I honestly did not know it was such an important point to my viewers, but I realize that it has become this way. So, I make it a point now to mention if something was sent to me as a promo item or not. If I am ever commissioned in the future by a company to make a specific video, I will be honest about it and not try to disguise things.

Thank you for reading.

Note: I've become aware this blog entry has been linked on various videos. I do not condone Internet bullying of any sort. This post is not about about any particular person or persons, just my own experiences. I do not wish to get pulled into any drama or pick sides on anything that is going on. These are my own thoughts on an issue, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

PS: Comments will be moderated. I will not publish trash talking about specific people or videos - I am not here to start drama or make anyone look bad or piss people off. I just wanted you to know my own personal stance on this issue, that's all.

PPS: Completely unrelated, but an archive of my radio show interview is up now in case you want to listen to it. The interview with me starts about 30 mins into the program, you can fast forward to it. Click the BlogTalk icon below my profile to tune in. Click here to go there now.

12 Aug 2009

Wall of Styles Radio interview

Just a quick update to let you know I'm going to be on an online radio talk show tomorrow, August 12, where I will be interviewed by the hosts of the Wall of Styles' Magic Hour. The talk show will last about an hour, I will be interviewed approximately 30 minutes into the show. Make sure to tune in - there will be an opportunity for listeners to call in with their questions as well. You can also check out my bio on their website here. Here's the details according to time zones:
(Click on the Magic Hour banner which will be on the homepage when the show is live)

Wednesday August 12, 2009

7pm Central European time
6pm British time
10am Pacific time (N. America)
1pm Eastern time (N. America)

Listener call-in number:
347 996-3384
international dialing code outside of USA: +1

Follow me on Twitter for a quick update before I go live:

ARCHIVE: Click here to listen

Click the BlogTalk Radio icon below my profile to listen to the archive. My interview starts about 30 minutes in - you can fast forward if you wish.

11 Aug 2009

Arabian Peacock: Colorful Arab makeup look


I love this bright and colorful Arab makeup look! It's not very traditional, but the colors are so pretty for summer. This look could be altered in numerous ways to make it more practical and wearable for those who aren't quite brave enough for such bold color. Let me know what you think! Also, do you like these voice-over type of videos? I have to say my voice is kind of robotic here, I was thinking of trying out another voice-over video in the future with a bit more casual narration. It's sometimes easier to do voice-overs for complicated looks like this so I can focus fully on what I'm doing, and worry about narrating afterward.

Illamasqua cream foundation, Ben Nye concealer, La Femme blush in Champagne Lilac, MAC MSF in Shimpagne
Urban Decay Primer Potion, Ben Nye e/s in Turquoise, Cosmic Violet, MAC e/s in Vellum and Carbon, NYX e/s in Lime Green, Makeup Forever e/s in Nr. 92, MAC Brows in Spiked, gel eyeliner from ebay, L'Oreal Voluminous mascara in Carbon Black
MAC Beet lipliner, MAC Show Orchid lipstick, NYX Pandora lipstick, Margaret Astor lipgloss (no shade name)
Illamasqua - Whack

Link to video

9 Aug 2009

Sonntags Zeitung Interview

I am super, super excited about this!!!! Although I've previously been published online on various other websites and also in a Hong Kong newspaper, this is my first press appearance in a national Swiss newspaper. A few days ago I was contacted by the Sonntags Zeitung, a big nation-wide newspaper in my country. I was interviewed for an article they were writing about the Youtube makeup community. Today, the newspaper was published and there's even a small picture of me in it - yey! (The picture is from my Modern Gothic tutorial.)

I have taken the liberty to translate it into English.

Their names are Michelle, Claire, Lauren, or Julia. They sit in their bedrooms, a desk lamp directed onto their faces. One last check of their webcams, then it's show time. No, these young women from places such as Chicago, Newcastle or Berne are not going to perform a striptease. They put on makeup. As soon as their masterpiece has been perfectly applied, powdered and primped, they will upload their newest video to Youtube. These young women produce what is known as makeup tutorials: Videoclips that show step by step how to apply makeup.

With a bit of luck, these young women are also able to jumpstart their careers as celebrity makeup artists for the web-generation. These makeup tutorials have been the front runners on the Youtube community for about the past two years. They are themes that interest 13 year old schoolgirls just as much as the 40 year old career women: how to achieve a perfectly straight eyeliner? How to wear red lipstick so that the color will really last for four hours? In these clips, often not longer than 3 minutes, the starring actresses paint with carefree ease and create magical looks that are good enough to be on magazine covers.

A Swiss woman applies makeup on Youtube with success
The most successful gurus are self-taught and simply learned by doing. They have become important sources of inspiration to their subscribers that are in the hundreds of thousands (viewers who receive automatic updates when their favorite makeup guru has uploaded a new video.) Three of the most watched tutorial stars are: Lauren Luke, a 27-year old single mother from England, who has caught viewers' attention under her Youtube name “panacea81” with her no-nonsense personality and her broad northern English accent, and has managed to inspired over 40 million users to recreate her looks. A success story which has helped her to create her own makeup line, a contract for a makeup book, and inspired a BBC documentary.
Also Michelle Phan, in the above photo on her way to achieving a Lady Gaga Look, has meanwhile launched her own skincare line “IQQU Beauty”. This American woman with Vietnamese roots has been presenting her tutorials for 3 years, is considered a master of the “smokey eye”, and is ranked as the 5th most subscribed Youtube “Guru” with over 200,000 subscribers.

Under the username “MissChievous”, even a Swiss woman has managed to reach the highest ranks within the league of makeup gurus. Julia Graf, an administrative and PR professional, has been creating makeup tutorials for roughly one year in her free time, in which she creates dramatic looks on herself.

“I have always been really interested in makeup, and through my previous participation on various online beauty communities, I finally decided to start my channel on Youtube.” The Swiss-Canadian dual citizen, who now lives in Canton Berne, is still not able to live full-time from her career as a makeup artist, despite having over a million unique channel views. “Of course it would be a dream for me to jet all over the world as a makeup artist. But I also love the creative freedom that I currently have – because I don't have to base my entire livelihood on my makeup career.”

Due to her popularity on Youtube, Julia earns a small income based on her Youtube partnership which forsees a revenue-sharing program for ads placed on her page; however, she still regards this as “pocket money”. She finds it interesting that many cosmetic companies are now sending out samples of their products to gurus, in the hopes that their newly developed products will appear in the next clip. Big brands such as MAC, Shu Uemura, or Bobbi Brown have long recognized the potentials of these online makeup artists: In the case of Lauren Luke, the marketing department of the British cosmetic line Barry M was finally able to explain their sudden popularity when they realized that Lauren used many of their products in her tutorials.

At the moment, such an exclusive deal is out of the question for Julia Graf: “I would like to maintain my current freedom to present the best products to my viewers – not only those products that I was paid to endorse.” Regardless of the reasons why these makeup videos are being clicked: No one can teach women the art of makeup application faster, more directly or enjoyable.

7 Aug 2009

Young Hollywood Loose Wavy Curls with a flat iron

In this video I show you how to achieve those loose, natural looking waves that are so popular in Hollywood right now, for example Blake Lively from Gossip Girls, or Kate Beckinsale. For this look I used the GHD IV Styler, which is available here (link). However, if you don't have a GHD or can't afford to buy one, try it with your regular 1" straightening iron. The GHD just works really well for this. This video shows how you can get voluminous, stylish curls without a curling iron or hot rollers!

Special Promotion: Use the coupon code TWIST at check-out for the GHD and you'll receive a curling iron from La Angelique at no extra cost!

For long lasting curls, use a hair spray at the end to set the look.

Link to the video

5 Aug 2009

Product Rant: Garnier Ultra Mild Shampoo

Wow this product absolutely sucks! I have to say I usually buy high-end professional salon shampoos and conditioners such as Wella System Professional or L'Oreal Professionel, but lately I've been on a bit of a budget and resorting to drugstore shampoos. *ugh* My hair hates me for it already.

The latest horror story is a shampoo I actually thought might be decent: it contains nut oils which I thought might be nice and soothing on my dry ends. The scent is a nice peach smell, but this shampoo is awful! At first I liked the oils that seemed to be helping out my dry ends, but after a couple weeks of use I have the most disgusting oil build-up on my scalp! Yesterday I washed my hair and once it air dried, I realized my roots were still completely greasy and my ends were drier and frizzier than ever. My hair feels oily, dull and lifeless, and dry and brittle on the ends. It doesn't even feel clean. Even worse, the peach perfume caused my scalp to get itchy and brought on dandruff. NASTY!

Is there any somewhat decent drugstore shampoo and conditioner without a harsh chemical perfume and that doesn't cause horrible build up? I've tried L'Oreal, Pantene, Timotei, Garnier - they all suck! I should just invest the necessary 40 Swiss Franks for my beloved professional Wella shampoo and conditioner. Everytime I revert back to drugstore shampoo to save some money, I regret it big time. *sigh*

I have a new channel on Youtube

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to make a brief announcement that I've finally taken the plunge and started a second channel on Youtube. Instead of spamming up my makeup channel with random bits and lesser-quality videos, I've decided to host these on a second channel.

I will be uploading random chatter, trip clips, vlogs and maybe the odd makeup haul as well, although the channel will have a mainly non-makeup theme. I will be posting videos sporadically with no set schedule. I'll say right off the bat that I will not be keeping up with private messages on this channel very well, so if you need to contact me, email is still the best way.

Why the name Third Shift? The 3rd shift is traditionally the graveyard or night shift, and as I'm a night owl and often this time is my most productive, it seemed a fitting name.

I hope you check it out and subscribe! One video is already up. :)

2 Aug 2009

Product Test Results: Garnier UltraLift Anti-Wrinkle Firming Eye Cream

On June 16th I started testing this Garnier eye cream, to see if it actually lived up to its claims of firming the eye area skin and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. You can click here to read back on that entry if you missed it. I've been using this product ever since that date, so it's been nearly 6 weeks of use. I would apply once or twice a day as needed, and used no other eye creams during that period.

NOTE: It is impossible to have exactly the same lighting conditions unless you have a pro camera and a studio where light conditions are controlled. I do not have access to such facilities, I took both pictures in daylight where cloud cover, sunlight, etc will affect the picture. Please keep that in mind when commenting. Viewing the pics full size will show the difference better.

Here is the before picture:

And here is a picture taken yesterday:

No photoshopping has been done on either image, although the lighting conditions seem to be slightly different.

My opinion on the results:

Upon closely examining these pictures full size, I have to say I am slightly in shock to see that there is actually a little bit of difference. In the after picture, the fine lines just below my inner tear duct don't seem as deep-set and long as in the before picture. Or am I imagining things? However, I do remain somewhat skeptical since there are many variables that I cannot rule out that might have caused this difference. For example, I don't know if my eye was somewhat puffy on the day of taking the before picture versus the picture taken yesterday. Also, the different lighting conditions could mean that in the newer picture, the wrinkles may not be as visible. This isn't a very scientific experiement where I can completely rule out any of these interfering variables, so I leave it up to you to decide. (If you look at the pictures full size, you can get a better idea.)

My other thoughts on the cream:

I felt like this eye cream is very light, and would be good for people with normal to oily skin. Sometimes I felt like it just wasn't moisturizing enough, especially as I suffer from seasonal hay fever and sometimes need more moisture in an eyecream to counteract the dry skin caused by rubbing my eyes. The other negative point is that this cream has a tendency to sting if you actually get it in your eyes. Not horribly painful, but on occasion when I did get some of the product into my eye, it burned and started watering. In my opinion, no eye cream should sting when you get it into your eyes. It didn't irritate or sting on my skin at all though, making it good for those with sensitivities like myself.

In conclusion, I don't think I would buy this cream again. It's relatively pricey for a very small tube, wasn't quite moisturizing enough, stung sometimes when getting into the eye, and overall I'm not entirely convinced of the anti-wrinkle effect.

What do you think of the results? Do you notice any difference or not? Would you try this cream yourself? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

1 Aug 2009

Bollywood Bridal Look

This Indian bridal inspired look is perfect for people with darker skintones, such as olive, brown and golden tones. Even though my own skin is fair, all the colours would work well on darker skin. I hope you enjoy this look! This was also a requested look from one of my subscribers, this is the picture that was sent in:

Makeup artist credit: FK Creatives / Kiran Chowdhry

Urban Decay Primer Potion, MAC e/s in Coppering, Cranberry, Beauty Marked, Solar White, and Carbon, Shu Uemura ME Gold 390, L'Oreal Carbon Gloss Superliner, Ben Nye black eyeliner pencil, generic false eyelashes from ebay, MAC Spiked brow pencil

Illamasqua cream foundation, Ben Nye Contour powder No.1, MAC Global Glow MSF

Rimmel Addiction lipliner, Max Factor pencil (off-white shade), MAC So Scarlet lipstick, Illamasqua Maneater lipstick

Video link