
25 Feb 2011

World Cities: Cairo

I was inspired to do a look based on Cairo, Egypt for my World Cities mini-series on Youtube, even before the Revolution that took place there. I was mainly inspired by the archeological sites that Cairo is so famous for, the pyramids and the sphynx, and the golden desert surrounding the area. I wanted to reflect these golden and brown colors of the desert in the eye makeup, and focus on an elongated eyeliner shape, typical for Arab makeup looks. Some Arab women like to wear dramatic looks like these to the elaborate wedding celebrations typical of their culture.

Nars Sheer Glow foundation in Mont Blanc, MAC Paint in Untitled, MAC e/s in Handwritten, Ben Nye Aztec Gold e/s, Ben Nye Toast e/s, MAC Soft Brown e/s, MAC Solar White e/s, Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Loose Color in Auric, MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack, Urban Decay 24/7 Pencil in Zero, Max Factor False Lash Effect mascara

MAC MSF in Shimpagne, MAC MSF in Stereo Rose,

Rimmel Lipliner Nr. 18 Addiction, MAC Myth lipstick, MAC Underage Lipglass

Orly Shine

Link to the video on Youtube

20 Feb 2011

Berlin Film Festival 2011

I recently was invited to attend the Berlinale (Berlin International Film Festival) by L'Oreal, one of the main sponsors, as part of an all-expensed-paid blogger event. I was so happy to be chosen by L'Oreal, and was so excited to be a part of the whole experience.

A group of German-speaking bloggers and Youtubers were chosen to attend the glamorous evening where we got to the see the world premier of the new film "Unknown" starring Liam Neeson and Diane Kruger, the latter of which is also a spokesmodel for L'Oreal and their face for the Berlinale 2011. She also attended the premier, we got to see her walk over the red carpet and she sat about 2 or 3 rows in front of us during the movie! I have to admit I was a bit star-struck.

We stayed in the posh luxury Hotel de Rome right in the center of Berlin (apparently Reese Witherspoon stayed here just recently), which was an incredible experience in itself. That evening we attended the movie premier after a stroll over the red carpet in front of hundreds of press cameras, then wined and dined at the Soho House private club and hotel. The atmosphere was really amazing, and the food was lovely too - I was starving at that point. I rounded off my evening by chilling with a few of the fellow bloggers and some of the L'Oreal people in the bar sipping martinis, and finally went to bed at about 3am.

The next morning we had a stellar breakfast at the Hotel's buffet (sliced mangos and papayas, fresh à la carte eggs, salmon, shrimp, fresh squeezed orange juice, yes please!) then were driven off to the Coco Bello, a studio that L'Oreal set up in the middle of the Potsdammer Platz, where passers-by can book free makeover sessions during the Berlinale week.

We were introduced to some new products by the L'Oreal artists, and their key makeup artist showed us his rendition of the "Berlinale Look" on me. It was so strange to have someone else do my makeup for me, with lots of other people watching. Afterwards, everyone had the opportunity to have their makeup done by the L'Oreal artists at their stations.

For lunch we went to a cute little bistro restaurant specializing in wine, but I just had a light salad and some dessert (Apple Studel!) After lunch the event officially ended at about 2:30 pm, so the blogger group split up and we each did our own thing. I had to head to the airport soon after, so I just did some quick shopping with a few of the girls and we stormed into the Galeries Lafayette and later the two-story Douglas (the German version of Sephora) and a few purchases were made. I'm excited to show you those as well, I hauled some pretty amazing nailpolishes. After our shopping trip, it was time to head to the airport for my flight home, finally arriving home very tired but happy.

All in all a wonderful experience that I won't forget too easily! Thank you L'Oreal Germany!! You can follow them on Facebook too.

Now some pictures from the event...these are mostly from the second day, on the first day I mostly used my camcorder, so be sure to watch my video to see my red carpet outfit, hair & makeup, the hotel we stayed at, plus many more impressions from the evening.

Our hotel from the outside "Hotel de Rome" with our BMW drivers...the cars were all labeled with L'Oreal, how cool! Might as well arrive in style...

Unser Hotel von aussen (Hotel de Rome), unsere BMW Limousinen und Chauffeure kommt an mit Styl!

 With fellow German and Swiss Youtubers: myself, Ebru, Kathrin, Tatjana

The bloggers and Youtubers at the Coco Bello L'Oreal makeover booth at the Potsdammer Platz. Here we had our make-overs by the L'Oreal makeup artist team and discussed the upcoming looks and new products.

Die Blogger und Youtuber Gruppe beim Coco Bello make-over Studio von L'Oreal am Potsdammer Platz. Dort wurden wir von den L'Oreal Makeup Artists geschminkt.

All Bloggers and Youtubers who attended (Left to right)

Let the make-overs commence!

Alle Bilder vom Umstyling...

Thank you for having a peek into my experience at the Berlinale! Part 2 will follow soon on Youtube...

Vielen Dank fürs zuschauen, hoffentlich konnte ich euch einen kleinen Einblick ins Event ermöglichen. Der zweite Teil folgt bald auf Youtube!

All pictures are copyright. Pleas do not re-host without my permission.
Alle Bilder stehen unter Urheberschutz. Bitte nicht ohne meine Erlaubnis verwenden.

17 Feb 2011

Deutschland Zuschauer Treffen / Makeup Seminar

Ich habe mich mit der Makeup-Schule Lilly Meets Lola zusammen getan, um ein Zuschauer Treffen und Makeup Seminar in Deutschland zu veranstalten. Viele haben mich schon gefragt ob ich doch mal nach Deutschland kommen könnte, und dies scheint mir die perfekte Gelegenheit.

Wann: 12 März, 2011 von 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Wo: Lilly Meets Lola, Sendlinger Str. 50, 80331 München

• Einführung in das Event mit mir
• Make-up Tips und Schmink-Session mit Trend Looks
• Meet & Greet, Fragen & Antworten
Hole dir gleich jetzt einen der wenigen Styling-Plätze.
Ticketpreis: € 30,- (inkl. 19% gesetz. MwSt)
Zahlbar via Paypal oder Überweisung

Alle Erlöse dieses Events gehen im Namen der Charity Arts for little Hearts an die Internationale Herzforschung für Babies "Hope for Tiny Hearts". 

Anmeldungen unter:

Ich freue mich natürlich wahnsinnig auf euch - es wird eine lustige, lockere Schmink-Party in gemütlicher Atmosphäre, wobei ihr auch einige Tipps und Tricks lernen könnt. Dieses Event ist geeignet für Anfänger, sowie für Fortgeschrittene.

Hier nun ein paar Eindrücke von Lilly und Lola! Alle Infos zur Schule findet ihr natürlich auf der Website: Lilly Meets Lola

"Gefällt Mir" Lilly Lola auf Facebook hier.

Mein Video zum Thema mit vielen Informationen und Beschreibung des Events.

15 Feb 2011

Huge Contest! Mega Verlosung! (Biotherm)

To all my German-speaking and international viewers, right now I'm doing a huge giveaway (open worldwide) in partnership with Biotherm Germany. As many of you might know, Biotherm is a well-known high-end skincare line, and we're giving away over 2000 prizes! The main prize is a spot for 3 people at an exclusive Health and Energy Camp where you will be coached by the pros to get you in shape for spring and summer, and the rest of the prizes will be amazing gift packs from the new Biotherm Skin Ergetic skincare line, as well as many other goodies. An amazing opportunity!

Please watch the video for all the details!

Alle Infos zum Gewinnspiel:

1. Geh zu und klicke "Gefällt Mir" unten Links um Facebook Fan zu werden
2. Bewerbe dich für das Energy und Health Camp und viele weitere Sachpreise, klick "Jetzt Mitmachen"
3. Der Hauptpreis ist offen für Anwohner aus Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz und Liechtenstein, Sachpreise sind offen Weltweit
4. Formular vollständig ausfüllen (mit Bild) und absenden
5. Nur die Gewinner werden von Biotherm benachrichtigt
6. Gewinnspiel endet 28.02.2011 - alle dürfen mitmachen, auch deine Freunde & Familie, also sagt es weiter! Für den Hauptpreis müsst ihr 18+ Jahre alt sein, alle anderen Preise haben keine Altersbeschränkung.

Folgt Biotherm Germany auf Facebook!

Mein erstes Video über Biotherm Skin Ergetic:

English instructions

(Open Worldwide for all product prizes, the Health & Energy Prize is only eligible for residents of Germany, Liechtenstein, Austria and Switzerland)

1. Go to and click "Like" / "Gefällt Mir" if you have Facebook at the bottom of the page
2. Click on the green button on the left side titled "Jetzt Mitmachen"
3. The next page explains the prizes (same as I mentioned in the video), click on the green button "Jetzt mitmachen und fit werden"
4. Fill out the formula with your details, as explained below:

From drop down Menu "Anrede" select "Herr" for Mr. and "Frau" for Ms.

Vorname: First Name

Name: Last Name

Strasse, Nr: Street address, Street Number goes in second box

PLZ, Ort: Postal Code / City

Land: Country (Select your country from the menu, they are listed in German only) USA = Vereinigte Staaten, UK = Vereinigtes Königreich, Canada = Kanada, France = Frankreich For more translations of countries go to|de|

E-Mail Addresse: email address

Handynummer: Cell phone (optional)

Geburtsdatum: Select date of birth from drop-down menu in the order day/month/year (Months are in chronological order)

Ich möchete dabei sein weil: I want to take part because....(explain your reason for joining this contest)

Mein Bewerbungsfoto: Upload a picture of yourself from your computer

Checkmark in Boxes:
1st box: You only wish to be considered for the product prizes and do not wish to be entered into the Health and Energy Camp Main Prize.
2nd box: You have read and agreed the terms of service and privacy policy (mandatory)
3rd box: Yes, I wish to subscribe to the free eNewsletter from Biotherm (optional)

5. Once you're all done, click the green button "Jetzt Mitmachen". If everything is right, you'll see a confirmation page. Only winners will be notified by email by Biotherm. Contest ends February 28, 2011. Anyone may enter, so share it with your friends and family!

Also Follow Biotherm Germany on Facebook!

12 Feb 2011

New hair! Well, the color at least...

I colored my hair a few days ago using a new product I was sent for review, and I am so pleased with the results. Now, let me say that I do not accept all products that are offered to me, nor do I give those I do try always a good rating, but I have to say I was pretty impressed with this company.

The brand is called eSalon and they provide custom-formulated hair color according to your personal profile, where you submit your hair length, texture, previous hair coloring experiences, etc. Then the site gives you a result of appropriate and achievable colors to choose from, after which the formula is prepared specifically to your needs with personalized instructions. I loved the concept of all this, so I decided to give it a whirl.

I do have to say that the process was a bit more complicated and time consuming than a drugstore box dye, but I think the results are so much better. The end color is very even, and I liked how two specific color bottles were provided, one for my roots, one for my ends. This ensured enough product for my long hair, and for the price I think it's a really good deal, as I normally have to buy 2 boxes of color if I buy from the drugstore.

Also included with your first order is a free home coloring tool kit, which includes such things as 4 butterfly clips for sectioning your hair, a mixing bowl, a color brush applicator, a timer, and a salon-style cape for protecting your clothes. If I bought all these things separately here, I would probably be spending quite a bit of extra money.

The whole set (including the free tool kit with your first order) costs $22.00, and they have a money-back guarantee within 30 days if you're not satisfied. I had the product sent to me for free, but to be honest, I think this is an amazing bargain for everything you get - if I bought everything separately here, I would spending well above that amount, especially with having to buy 2 box dyes to get the same amount of product.

If you're interested in trying out eSalon, the company has shared a discount code with me to pass on to my viewers and readers, so make sure to use it!
Discount code: MISSCH (20% discount on your first order)

Right now they only ship to the USA, unfortunately, as they are a small start-up company. I hope they will expand their shipping to more countries soon! I'm bummed I won't be able to use their product anymore because if they shipped to Switzerland, I would definitely repurchase.

Link to the video tutorial

11 Feb 2011

What I'm reading + Mascara Haul

My Amazon book order came - finally! Been really wanting to read something new and fresh, so I hauled these three books.

Water for Elephants is a New York Times bestseller, and is the story about an old man's recollections of his youth working with a traveling circus. It seemed like a very different type of story than what I would normally read, so I decided to go for it. Apparently it's also been made into a movie starring Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon and will be released this spring I believe - something I wasn't aware of when I bought it.

City of Thieves is a story based in Russia during the battle of Leningrad and a young man's experiences during that time. I stumbled upon this randomly just browsing on Amazon so I have no idea if it will be good or not, but it had very positive feedback and I wanted to read something set in Russia for some reason.

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan is the one I've already started (and nearly finished actually after one night of reading) and is the story about the unlikely friendship of two young girls from very different social classes during the 1800s in China, when foot binding was commonly practiced to ensure a good marriage. The story is about the status and everyday realities of women during this period, and also about the friendship between the two girls throughout their turbulent lives. It's a very fast and easy read, but very engrossing, if disturbing at times. I literally cringed at the description of the foot binding! Hard to imagine that this was regularly practiced by women back then.

I expect I'll be doing a LitChat review on my second channel when I'm done with these. Are you reading anything engrossing lately?

Then today I also picked up two new mascaras to try out. I'm a bit of a drugstore mascara fiend, so I thought I'd try something new. I might do a Drugstore Mascara Review 2.0 so please let me know any mascaras that have newly been released and hyped and which ones you want to see a review of, and I'll try to include them - as long as the brand and mascara is available here and I haven't reviewed them in my earlier video.

For now I just picked up the L'Oreal Volume Million Lashes and the Essence Multi action. Can you believe that the L'Oreal one costs over $25 USD here in drugstores? Yay Switzerland prices! :(

9 Feb 2011

Soft Neutrals for Daytime

A lot of people have been requesting to see a very neutral and wearable look that they can wear on a day to day basis. Here's how I've been wearing my makeup recently, and I think it would be perfect for such a purpose. This look would be suitable for most occasions I think as it's soft and not too overdone and dramatic.

Neutrogena Healthy Skin foundation in Natural Ivory, La Femme Nectar Peach Glow on Blush

MAC Untitled Paint, MAC eyeshadows in Handwritten, Malt, Dazzlelight, Ben Nye Toast e/s, Margaret Astor brown eyeliner, Max Factor Natural Glaze kohl pencil, MAC Lingering Brow pencil, Max Factor False Lash Effect mascara

MAC Brave lipstick, MAC Babied Liplacquer

Illamasqua - Scarab

Link to the video tutorial on Youtube

Orly Gumdrop

It's been very spring-like weather here lately, all the snow has melted and the sun has been out with clear blue skies recently too. I'm looking forward to spring, so I've been digging out my spring collection nail polishes from last year. This is Orly Gumdrop from spring 2010. It's a bit more minty in real life, not quite as blue, but it's hard to photography it color accurately.

I should post more nail polish swatches, lately I've gotten out of the habit as I used to post them a lot more frequently, so I will make an effort to change that.


6 Feb 2011

My quick and easy depotting method

If you are someone who has a large collection of make-up, especially where eyeshadows and blushes are concerned, you will at some point want to find a better storage solution for all your products that takes up less space and is easy for traveling. The perfect solution for this is depotting eyeshadows and blushes from their packaging, and putting them into magnetized palettes.

The tricky part is getting the eyeshadow pan out of the packaging. Over the years I've relied on this very simple method to do just that, using basic tools that almost everyone has at home. The key item you will need for this method is a hair straightening iron, but since many women have this at home, this technique should be quite easy for most to accomplish.

Watch my video tutorial on how I depot my powder eyeshadows. In this demo I use a Catrice eyeshadow, but the same method can be used for almost all brands - I also use it for Illamasqua, MAC, and Lancome shadows. The only step you will have to do with these brands is to use a sharp knife to pop out the insert containing the pan before you place it on the heat element. This method works perfectly for powder products like eyeshadows, blushes, and powders.

Link to my video tutorial on Youtube

4 Feb 2011

World Cities: Paris

Paris is often described to be the City of Love; having visited Paris three times myself I can definitely attest that it is indeed a very romantic city. But in addition to that, it also boasts great nightlife, thriving markets, a multi-cultural community, plenty of art and culture, a wonderful street cafe culture, wonderful restaurants, high fashion, and much more. This look is an ode to one of my favorite cities in Europe!

Nars Sheer Glow in Mont Blanc, Illamasqua Chased powder blush

MAC Untitled Paint, MAC eyeshadows in Handwritten, Cranberry and Neutral Pink, Ben Nye Toast e/s, MAC Blacktrack Fluidline, Max Factor False Lash Effect mascara, Maybelline Natural Glaze kohl pencil, MAC Lingering Brow pencil

MAC Redd lipliner, Illamasqua Sangers lipstick

Beauty Mark
MAC Blacktrack Fluidline

Lancome 021 (forthcoming for Spring 2011)

Link to the video tutorial