3 Oct 2011

Illamasqua Theatre of the Nameless collection

I'm sure some of you have seen the pictures for Illamasqua's Theatre of the Nameless Autumn/Winter 2011 collection already, if not, let's take a moment to drool...

Stunning! Again and again, Illamasqua's collections have promo pictures that just blow me away. The collection was inspired by the 1920s nightlife in Berlin, of dark sophisticated tones combined with dazzling iridescence for a modern twist.

Cream Pigment £17.00 in Androgen (Coral) and Depravity (Magenta)
Pure Pigment £15.50 in Zeitgeist (Dark Shimmer), Beguile (Light Shimmer) and Berber (Auburn Shimmer)
Precision Ink £17.00 in Havoc (Aubergine)
Nail Varnish £13.50 in Taint (Stone Brown), Kink (Bottle Green), Vice (Deep Cerise), and Faux Pas (Blue Violet)
Shimmer Blusher £16.50 in Ambition (Neutral) and Morale (Rosed Flush)
Lipgloss £13.00 in Intense Lipgloss Façade (Grey Pink), Belladonna (Deep Pink) and Sheer Lipgloss Violate (Dark Green Shimmer)
Lipstick £15.50 in Kontrol (Blue Violet)
False Eye Lashes £16.00 in Grandeur and Blackened Auburn Weimar

Here are some of the products I have swatched for you.

Blush in Ambition: Warm tawny pink shade with gold shimmer

Cream Pigment in Androgen: coral

Ambition (left) and Angrogen (right) swatched

Top to bottom: Facade, Violate, Belladonna

These lipglosses are so incredible. The Intense Lipglosses are more like liquid lipsticks due to their high pigmentation, and even though Violate is supposed to be sheer, it goes on very thick and intense. I absolutely love that they made a forest green lipgloss!! I could see Facade working really well as a nude tone for those with darker skin tones.

Pigments in Berber, Beguile, Zeitgeist

Berber swatched over Androgen Cream Pigment

The pigments are the hardest to photograph and my pictures probably don't do them justice. Berber is just incredible! A coppery red with silver and gold micro-sparkle, buttery smooth and intensely pigmented when swatched over a sticky base. Red eyeshadow isn't everyone's cup of tea, but if you like copper burnt tones, this is definitely one to check out.

Beguile I would describe more as a glitter rather than a regular pigment - it's quite sheer when applied, but has the most wondrous reflecting glitter in a multitude of colors - gold, turquoise and pink. This will look absolutely beautiful layered over darker colors, or even dabbed onto lipstick. I can't wait to use this more!

Zeitgeist is a matte black base with micro-shimmer in green, blue and magenta. This is probably my least favorite of the three pigments, simply because I prefer to use a pressed matte black eyeshadow when using black, but that's just down to personal taste.

Overall I think this is a quite unique collection with some unusual finishes and colors, mixed in with more run-of-the-mill shades. You can watch Alex Box in action as she creates the makeup looks for the promo shoot.

I also have the nailpolishes from this collection, but I will swatch those another day. ;)

Products available at http://www.illamasqua.com/


  1. irgendwann bestelle ich mal bei illamasqua.....ich finde die promo bilder einfach immer traumhaft


  2. Goth returns with a vengeance this season. Hellz yeah!

  3. Love Illamasqua commercials. The products seem very good.


  4. would love Alex Box to do my Make-up <3

  5. Am I the only one who wants to know whats on your nails :D

  6. Anonymous7:09 pm

    i like to see the green lipgloss in a halloween video, like a elf tutorial

  7. The whole promotion of Theatre of the Nameless is simply stunning - so precise!

  8. Hi, what's the polish on your nails?
    Is it Nfu.Oh or Deborah Lippman by any chance?

  9. wow! a forest green lipgloss, insane!

  10. The color scheme looks amazing! I've never heard of the company though :/

  11. Ariana12:56 am

    I love this collection! Cant wait to get my hands on some of it, speaking of hands what polish are you wearing in these photos? Its very interesting!

  12. Make up for you alter ego? OMG I love it!! :D It's so creative! The featured looks are amazing here! I'd love to see a Halloween tutorial inspired by the gothic Illamasqua featured in this blog :D

  13. I loved this great post, very creative and different, loved the color scheme and effects that they created.

    Makeup, beauty & fashion tips

  14. Paphiopedilum11:19 pm

    Ich find die Kollektion auch super, sowohl die Promobilder, als auch die Produkte selber. Obwohl ich sagen muß, die Art of Darkness Kollektion damals, die hat meinen persönlichen Geschmack noch bissl mehr getroffen. Aber diese Kollektion hier ist echt auch ziemlich geil. Gekauft hab ich mir aber nur den grünen Lipgloss. Irgendwie frag ich mich zwar so bissl, was ich mit dem schminken könnt, aber ich fand diesen Farbton einfach sooo schön, so tief und irgendwie auch so besonders, daß ich mir sicher war, irgendwas würde mir schon einfallen, das ich damit machen kann. Die Verkäuferin sagte zu mir, wenn man ihn auf einem ziegelroten Lippenstift trägt, würde er eine ziemlich authentisch blutige Farbe ergeben; naja, weiß nicht so recht... Grundsätzlich liebe ich auch die Pure Pigments von Illamasqua, ich finde dieses Schimmer-Glitzern einfach super; eben schon glitzernd, aber doch so fein, daß sie viel häufiger zu verwenden und zu tragen sind, als manch gröberer Glitter. Gerade diese drei neuen Farben sind allerdings nicht so ganz mein Geschmack. Ach die Creme Pigments find ich toll, ich liebe die Textur und die Aufbaubarkeit, das neue in lila werde ich mir wohl auch noch zulegen. Und das hellere der beiden Blushes scheint meinem absoluten Lieblingsblush, Sin von Nars zu ähneln. Also echt eine gelungene, neue Kollektion, und auch super Promobilder; besonders das aller erste oben, wo der Mann mit drauf ist, finde ich eine echt tolle Fotografie!

  15. Anonymous8:17 pm

    hope you have tutorial for your nail polish wearing in the picture, Ms. Julia :) thanks...

  16. i'm so in love with this collection! can you get it in the states?

  17. I would love to know what type of nail polish you are wearing in these photos!! :D It's so beautiful and I love the different colors it gives off. Thanks!
