15 Aug 2009

When do you normally watch videos on Youtube?

I'm just doing a little survey here - I want to find out what is the best time for my viewers for when to upload my videos on Youtube. It would really help me out if you can let me know when you would be most likely to watch videos on Youtube. It doesn't matter where you live - I can easily account for that by seeing my Youtube statistics to see where most of my viewers are from.

Please read the options carefully. I have taken into consideration that many people go out Friday and Saturday nights, and may have other activities planned on weekends. I believe you can select multiple options, but please only select those that apply best to you.


When are you most likely to watch Youtube videos?


  1. I work from 8:00AM to 5:00PM, so I usually watch YT vids when I get home from work. On the weekends, Saturday day is usually better than Sunday day for me.

  2. Minnie12:26 am

    Thanks so much for being so thorough and really wanting to know as much as you can from your viewers. I usually watch my YT videos after I've put the kids to sleep. I grab my laptop and sip some wine while I YB away...

  3. Anonymous1:09 am

    i Don't Really have a Specific Time ... I Just Watch Them When Ever i Can

  4. Anonymous5:03 am

    I usually watch videos very late every night. Middle of the night US East Coast time.

  5. I watch YT vids every night after work, which is around midnight. It's my way to wind down before bed.

  6. man when i started learning about makeup, i was on youtube all the time, no joke lol. now that im better at it, i just watch my favorite gurus. i go on youtube at night time mon-fri.

  7. Anonymous8:31 am

    I work nights Tues-Sat, so when I come home in the morning after work (usually 8am onwards to about 12pm lunchtime).

    Anything goes on my days off. I watch a lot on Sundays and Mondays.

  8. Anonymous1:59 pm

    I'm from Germany and I watch you-tube videos in my free time on Fr.,Sat.,Sund. nights and Sun. day time when I stay in the city where I work (I don't go out there). When I travel to another city to my fiance (to "my home") I have time to watch only on Sunday day time.

  9. I watch mainly after work during the week, or anytime during the week (well certainly not from 06.00am to 12.00am in the week end cos i am rarely up haha :)

  10. Yes this is great idea julia. I normaly wait for a quiet time in the evenings while im doing some other work on the com.. i open some videos of yrs to watch. Im already getting good at it. Thanks

  11. I'm a stay at home mom, so I watch them when my son takes his nap

  12. I watch any time I am at home. And I am at home all the time, so yeah... lol

  13. I usually watch Youtube videos when I get home from work round 8-9ish.. and late late nights when I can't sleep like 2,3, 4am. Time vary depending on schedule and how I'm feeling.

  14. Anonymous5:31 am

    I am a stay at home Mom and after I feed my kids breakfast in the morning, I let them watch cartoons while I watch YT.

  15. I'm a college student, and during the summer I have a job with irregular hours, so I watch whenever I have free time. Sorry to be so unspecific. : ( But really, I'll watch whenever I first notice that a new video has been uploaded.

  16. Anonymous9:30 pm

    I mostly watch videos in the weekends, because during the week I'm always busy with school :(

  17. Every night before bed I check.

  18. Anonymous9:47 pm

    i look for new videos everyday

  19. Mon thru Thur
    Sun evenings.
